The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has awarded stipends to 148 Husker undergraduates to participate in research with a faculty mentor this summer.
Nebraska’s Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience Program supports undergraduates to work with faculty mentors in research or creative activities. Students receive stipends of $2,400 to engage in intensive research or creative activity for 20 hours per week. The students’ projects span academic disciplines including engineering, chemistry, modern languages and literatures, psychology, art and art history, architecture, special education, and fisheries and wildlife.
Students from the Nebraska Summer Research Program and UCARE will present posters on their research and creative activities at a campus research symposium Aug. 3. For more information on undergraduate research at Nebraska, click here.
Following is a list of students by hometown who received summer UCARE awards, with their year in school, academic major(s) and project title.
- Hank Ball, junior, emerging media arts, “Speculative Design and Build: Expanded Realities 2.0.”
- Darian Draft, senior, psychology, “Sexual Abuse History, Internalizing Problems and Social Problems in Youth.”
- Chelsea Hanway, junior, anthropology, “Wakara’s America: Mapping the Untold Story of the Indian Founding Father of the American West.”
- Jacob Larsen, senior, chemistry, “Non-Invasive Early Detection of Lung Cancer Through Quantification of Nitric Oxide in Exhaled Breath.”
- Jenica David, senior, biochemistry, “Mitochondrial Transformation in Arabidopsis.”
- Joiner Pfister, junior, chemical engineering, “Synthetic Biology Toolkit for Paraburkholderia sacchari to Enhance Native Bioplastic Production.”
- Samuel Lawton, senior, emerging media arts, “Speculative Design and Build: Expanded Realities 2.0.”
- Peter Lux, sophomore, mechanical engineering, “Improvement of Wearable Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Increased Energy Production.”
- Nick Wayman, sophomore, chemical engineering, “Zinc Air Battery Improvements Using Novel Metalloporphyrin Electrocatalysts.”
Cedar Bluffs:
- Hailey Anderson, junior, music, “Exploring Electronic Phenomenon in Heterostructure of Van der Waals Layered CuInP2S6 and Ferroelectric Oxide.”
- Lauren Behnk, senior, psychology, “Sense of Belonging and Its Relationship With Student Success.”
- Maegan Ludena-Llanos, junior, architectural studies, “Weather Ready Farms: Unifying Design to Climate Resilience.”
- Arabella Hodges, senior, biochemistry, “Evaluation of Rapid Next-Generation Sequencing Methods to Detect and Assemble the Genomes of Elusive Viral Pathogens.”
- Jake Rance, sophomore, psychology, “Enhancing Conceptual Learning in CS and STEM Classrooms Through a Web Tool for Student-Generated Analogy Development.”
- Jo Sayer, junior, history, “Historical Animation Production for Summer.”
- Logan Hake, senior, microbiology, “Susceptibility of PRRSV With Various CD-163 Orthologs.”
- Josie Ivy, junior, fisheries and wildlife, “Expanding Access to Outdoor Recreational and Educational Opportunities for Marginalized Communities in Central Nebraska.”
Grand Island:
- Courtney Toner, senior, speech-language pathology, “Evaluating and Assessing Social Interaction Between Parents and their Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.”
- Noah Hadley, senior, English, “Anticolonialism in World Empires.”
- Nathan Reineke, senior, agricultural engineering, “Diamond Quantum Microscopy for Biosensing.”
- Sydney Hobza, senior, speech-language pathology, “Exploring the Roles of Syntax and Working Memory in Reading Comprehension in Down Syndrome.”
- Chanasei Ziemann, senior, biological sciences, “Knockout of PS-IRF9 Gene.”
- Matthew Dahlke, junior, music education, “Resurrecting Xaver Scharwenka’s Lone Opera, ‘Mataswintha.’”
La Vista:
- Ella Humphrey, sophomore, fisheries and wildlife, “The Thermal Tolerances and Heat Shock Protein Regulation of Bigmouth Shiners From Nebraska Sandhills Streams.”
- Said Al Mahrouqi, senior, interior design, “Editing, Curating and Contributing to a Database of Architectural Photography.”
- Bakir Al-Ameri, senior, mechanical engineering, “Modern No-Emission Cooling Systems for Nebraska.”
- Sukaina Al-Hamedi, senior, biochemistry, “Assessing Microbiome-Dependent Effects on Eosinophil-Predominant Phenotypes in a Mouse Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.”
- Keyik Annagulyyeva, sophomore, computer science, “A Study of the Generalizability of the Deep Learning-based Large Language Models in the Context of Identifying COVID-19 Online Misinformation.”
- Ellie Arauza, junior, biochemistry, “Cataloging of Matrix Effects on Metabolite NMR Chemical Shifts of 2D 1H-13C HSQC.”
- Elise Benson, junior, architectural studies, “Operational Landscapes of the Great Plains.”
- Lindsey Blehm, senior, environmental science, “Wildfire Ash Effects on Primary Production and Water Chemistry in Nebraska Lakes.”
- Drue Bower, senior, architectural studies, “Quantifying the Landscape Performance of Fishtail Park.”
- Addyson Calfee, junior, chemistry, “Peroxide-Substituted Peptides as a New Class of Protease Inhibitors.”
- Ethan Clinchard, junior, political science, “Nebraska Holocaust Survivor and WWII Veteran Network and Educational Portal.”
- Allison Conzemius, junior, geology, “Developing a Set of Geophysical Maps to Track the Yellowstone Hotspot.”
- Andrew Cook, junior, mathematics, “Computational Models of Acoustic Microswimmers.”
- Alex Gee, junior, emerging media arts, “Speculative Design and Build: Expanded Realities 2.0.”
- Sri Govindarajan, senior, biological sciences, “Investigating the Change in Survival of Different Mito-nuclear Genotype Flies When Exposed to Different Kinds of Environment and Pathogen.”
- Lincoln Graham, sophomore, emerging media arts, “Narrative Systems and Performative AI Part 1.”
- Ryleigh Grove, sophomore, plant biology, “Automatic Visual Recognition of Native Nebraskan Snakes.”
- Sydney Gubbels, junior, secondary education, “Exploring Motivation With High School Students.”
- Marley Hewitt, junior, emerging media arts, “Q-BASS.”
- Emily Hogg, senior, biochemistry, “Investigating Role of UL6 Gene in HCMV.”
- Inas Hskan, junior, textiles, merchandising and fashion design, “Design and Fabrication of Knitted Garments by Yarns of Pure Protein Fibers From Chicken Feathers and From the Two-Way Blends With Silk and Rayon.”
- Linh Hua, junior, chemical engineering, “Determine the Residues of SRSF2 Involved in 7SK RNA Binding.”
- Ayan Hussain, senior, computer science, “Building Browser Extensions for Instagram and TikTok to Increase Algorithmic Media Literacy and Shape Attitudes Toward Algorithms.”
- Brooke James, junior, mechanical engineering, “Triboelectric Energy Harvesting Using Liquid Metal Embedded Elastomers.”
- Blake Johnson, sophomore, mechanical engineering, “Moore Dynamics and Analytics Laboratory.”
- Anisha Kadubandi, senior, biological sciences, “Differentially Expressed Genes Associated With Preeclampsia.”
- Wyatt Koppold, senior, biochemistry, “Reduction of Fe(III) Utilizing FeAm09 species; Performing NDFO Using Fe Reducing FeAm09.”
- Marina Kushner, sophomore, art history and criticism, “Using Microscopy and the Unity Molecular Formula to Reformat the Traditional Chinese Jun Glaze.”
- Khanh Le, sophomore, mathematics, “Capacitive Sensors for Measurement of Nanoscale Distances.”
- Maxwyll McConnell, senior, biological systems engineering, “Graphene-Reinforced 316L Stainless Steel Prepared via Selective Laser Melting Additive Manufacturing.”
- Marissa Mendez-Santiago, sophomore, biochemistry, “Effect of Unsaturated Fatty Acids in the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.”
- Benjamin Morgan, sophomore, architectural studies, “Prairie State Forestry Archive: North Dakota New Deal Conservation Documentation at the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities.”
- Humaid Musallam Hamed Muslem Al Hinai, senior, landscape architecture, “Quantifying the Landscape Performance of Fishtail Park.”
- Paige Myers, junior, chemistry, “Examining Current and Generational Bumblebee Foraging and Reproductive Success Across Different Habitats With High (Agricultural), Medium (Urban) and Low (Prairie) Pesticide Exposure Risk.”
- Andy Nguyen, junior, biological sciences, “Effect of Sex on the Susceptibility to Infection in Daphnia magna.”
- Hannah Nguyen, senior, biochemistry, “Develop and Implement Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences for an Upper-Level Biochemistry Laboratory Course.”
- Jennie Nguyen, senior, chemistry, “RMB7 Solubility and Interactions With ZCCHC8 Protein In Vitro and Vivo.”
- Kiet Nguyen, junior, landscape architecture, “Prairie State Forestry Archive: South Dakota New Deal Conservation Documentation at the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities.”
- Kylie Nguyen, senior, biochemistry, “Develop and Implement Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences for an Upper-Level Biochemistry Laboratory Course.”
- Jenny Olander, senior, electrical engineering, “Alignment and Calibration of Complex Optical Systems Using Machine Learning.”
- Luke Olson, senior, computer science, “Long-Read Sequencing and Comparative Genomics Analysis of a Beneficial Microbial Genus in the Massilia Family.”
- Yusup Orazov, sophomore, computer science, “A Study of the Generalizability of the Deep Learning-Based Large Language Models in the Context of Identifying COVID-19 Online Misinformation.”
- Patricia Parish, junior, child, youth and family studies, “Exploring Self-Efficacy Through Youth Participatory Action Research.”
- Lars Pedersen, junior, physics, “Photo-Detachment of Positronium Negative Ion by Time-Delayed Circularly Polarized Pulses.”
- Taylor Powell, junior, art, “Art/Work, Painting Assistant for Byron Anway.”
- Michael Ryan, junior, emerging media arts, “Q-BASS.”
- Mel Schwensen, sophomore, philosophy, “Petitioning for Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West.”
- Preston Sorensen, senior, electrical engineering, “Characterization of Emerging Semiconductors Beyond Silicon for Infrared Sensing and Imaging.”
- Joe Staab, sophomore, biochemistry, “Stable GFP Labeling of the Stabilins.”
- Tatiana Startseva, senior, physics, “Simultaneous Calibration of Antenna Locations and n(z) for the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland.”
- Elizabeth Struwe, senior, nutritional science and dietetics, “Effects of Nitrosatable Prescription Medications, Acetaminophen and Exposure of Pesticides and Pesticide Runoff on Birth Outcomes.”
- Natasja Swanson, sophomore, history, “Anticolonials: A World History.”
- Amir Tarkian, sophomore, computer science, “Magnetic Properties of Ta/Cox(FeB)1-x/Pt Films and Fe-Ge Nanostructures.”
- Khondamirkhon Umarov, senior, computer science, “DNA Storage Bio-Cyber Attacks.”
- Arya Valkr, senior, sociology, “Nebraska Holocaust Survivor and WWII Veteran Network and Educational Portal.”
- Maggie Wallace, senior, anthropology, “Foundations: Finding the Pre-Roman Settlement of Antiochia ad Cragum.”
- McKenna Wilson, senior, speech-language pathology, “The Relation Between Extended High Frequency Hearing and Speech-in-Noise Understanding in People Who Misuse Drugs.”
- Abbie Summers, senior, speech-language pathology, “What Are the Differences in Social Communication of Autistic Males versus Females?”
North Platte:
- Hannah Fitzpatrick, senior, veterinary science, “Canine Numerical Study.”
- Melina Kostal, junior, secondary education, “Travel Study as a Vehicle of Teacher Preparation: A Design Research-Oriented Self Study.”
- Caden Connealy, junior, biochemistry, “Impacts and Implications of the One-to-Stop Codon Preference in Certain Flaviviruses.”
- Ethan Dunn, senior, political science, “Petitioning for Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West.”
- Himanshu Gandhi, junior, microbiology, “Utilizing Binary Growth Cultures and Genome Annotations to Explore Bacterial Diversity.”
- Ryan Herman, sophomore, biological sciences, “Mechanism of Regulation of Amyloid Accumulation From a Viral Peptide.”
- Bryce Herrington, senior, physics, “Magnetic Properties of Ta/Cox(FeB)1-x/Pt Films and Fe-Ge Nanostructures.”
- Laura Kirshenbaum, junior, biochemistry, “Increasing Dynamic Range in Methanogens Through Recombinant Expression of the T7 Promoter System.”
- Carsyn Loncke, sophomore, global studies, “History of Refugee Resettlement in Nebraska.”
- Luke McDermott, sophomore, political science, “REU Site: Digital Legal Research Lab.”
- Grace Parolek, senior, psychology, “Parent-Child Conflict Resolution: The Role of Parents’ Conflict Styles and Self-Regulation Skills.”
- Magdalene Peklo, senior, mechanical engineering, “Role of Turgor Pressure on Plant Cell Growth.”
- Clara Perez, senior, computer science, “Differences in Microaggressions, Sense of Belonging and Self-Efficacy in Undergraduate Female Students Across Software Engineering and Social Sciences.”
- Sam Peterson, sophomore, chemical engineering, “Zinc-Air Battery Improvements Using Novel Metalloporphyrin Electrocatalysts.”
- Ashley Prow, senior, food science and technology, “Foaming Capacity, Foaming Stability and Bioaccessibility of Enzymatically Hydrolyzed Plant Milk Proteins.”
- Megan Snow, senior, fisheries and wildlife, “Genetic Analysis of Bullfrog Populations in Nebraska.”
- Katie Tran, senior, nutritional science and dietetics, “Priming Antiviral Immunity in Plants.”
- Lily Weindel, senior, elementary education, “An Exploration of Literacy in Various Communities.”
- Kaitlyn Hart, senior, biological sciences, “Elucidation of Transmission Pathways of SARS-CoV-2 Between Human and Non-human Animal Populations and Impacts of Non-human Viral Reservoirs.”
- Xander Muniz, junior, emerging media arts, “Q-BASS.”
- Grant Schneider, senior, biological sciences, “SARS-CoV-2 Non-human Hosts Genome Project.”
- Wil Fiddelke, sophomore, electrical engineering, “Wearable Technologies to Improve Health Monitoring.”
- Luke Keilig, junior, art, “Bryan East Mosaic Mural.”
- John Vacek, senior, chemistry, “Student Attachment Styles as Predictors of Student Success in Chemistry Courses.”
- Adrien Palomo, junior, computer science, “Generating Graphical Explanations for Decision Support.”
- Michael West, sophomore, computer science, “Generating Graphical Explanations for Decision Support.”
- Jarod Harris, senior, chemical engineering, “Supported Ionic Liquid Membranes.”
- Sunny Mellick, senior, fisheries and wildlife, “Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) Nesting Behavior and Vocalizations.”
- Joshua Giesler, senior, microbiology, “Biodegradation of Low-Density Polyethylene by Pleurotus ostreatus and Stropharia rugosoannulata: Optimization of Growth Conditions.”
- Madisyn Reichert, senior, biological sciences, “Understanding Drive Elements Through the Investigation of Disorder on X Genes.”
Yucaipa, California:
- Teia Kilian, senior, architectural studies, “MOS Architects.”
Fort Collins, Colorado:
- Sally Johnson, senior, child, youth and family studies, “Willa Cather Archive.”
Lone Tree, Colorado:
- Emma Knezevic, junior, insect science, “Examining Current and Generational Bumblebee Foraging and Reproductive Success Across Different Habitats With High (Agricultural), Medium (Urban) and Low (Prairie) Pesticide Exposure Risk.”
Bartlett, Illinois:
- Sophia Smyth, senior, psychology, “Associative Conditioning of the Ketamine Drug Stimulus.”
Chicago, Illinois:
- Devin Shaughnessy, senior, elementary education and special education (K-6), “Exploring Reading Comprehension Skills in Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities.”
Oak Forest, Illinois:
- Denis Mcginty, junior, advertising and public relations, “Social Media Data Mining of Health (Mis)Information.”
Westmont, Illinois:
- Aleksandra Glowik, senior, political science, “Ideology and Its Impact on the Moral Differences Between Males and Females.”
Ankeny, Iowa:
- Kaitlyn Richards, senior, environmental studies, “Examining the Implications Climate Change has on the Disabled Community to Create Inclusive Climate Plans.”
Sioux City, Iowa:
- Michael Leiting, senior, architectural studies, “Prairie State Forestry Archive: South Dakota New Deal Conservation Documentation at the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities.”
Derby, Kansas:
- Gia Alicea, sophomore, biological sciences, “Supporting Student Engagement With Homework Assignments to Promote Success in Entry-Level Biology Courses.”
Lawrence, Kansas:
- Lydia Storm, senior, biochemistry, “Elucidating the Role of CWH8, IFD6 and ADH2 in Farnesol Production and Regulation in the Fungal Pathogen Candida albicans.”
Olathe, Kansas:
- Rudra Dixit, senior, biological sciences, “Microbiome Role in Susceptibility to Disease in Copathogen System.”
Overland Park, Kansas:
- Connor Herridge, senior, mechanical engineering, “Robot-Assisted Acoustic End Effector.”
- Rachel Summers, senior, environmental studies, “Nebraska Holocaust Survivor and WWII Veteran Network and Educational Portal.”
Prairie Village, Kansas:
- Wyatt Morse, senior, microbiology, “Identifying a Quorum-Sensing Molecule and Its Effects on the Microalga Chlorella sorokiniana.”
Shawnee, Kansas:
- Kelly VandenBos, junior, biological sciences, “Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Social Interactions Between Parents and their Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.”
Hutchinson, Minnesota:
- Emma Conradi, senior, speech-language pathology, “Exploring the Receptive Language Abilities of Children With Down Syndrome.”
Lakeville, Minnesota:
- Amber Gryga, senior, psychology, “The Role of Parental Motivation for Parenting Behaviors Across Different Tasks.”
Marshall, Minnesota:
- Malia Bloemker, senior, psychology, “Parent-Child Conflict Resolution: The Role of Parents’ Conflict Styles and Self-Regulation Skills.”
Las Vegas, Nevada:
- Joseph Tighi, junior, civil engineering, “The Use of Recycled Plastic in Asphalt Pavements: Feasibility Study.”
Bedford, New Hampshire:
- Sam Spencer, junior, insect science, “Using eDNA Techniques to Identify Salt Creek Tiger Beetles in Sensitive Environments I.”
Rutherford, New Jersey:
- Jenna Rogers, senior, speech-language pathology, “Educating Student-Athletes on How to Interact With Children With Disabilities in Sport.”
Hickory, North Carolina:
- Isabel Sigmon, senior, psychology, “Does Bipolar Type 1 Affect the Way Ambiguity is Interpreted and Response Time?”
Avon, South Dakota:
- Cassandra Voigt, senior, forensic science, “Analysis of Blood, Gunshot Residue and Fiber Transfer in a Simulated Mass Shooting Scenario.”
Sioux Falls, South Dakota:
- Truman Stoller, junior, mechanical engineering, “Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement of Femtosecond Laser Processed Silicon Used in Electronic Components.”
College Station, Texas:
- Molli Brooks, senior, history, “Petitioning for Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West.”
Houston, Texas:
- Alana Ross, junior, sports media and communication, “Social Media Data Mining of Health (Mis)Information.”
Salt Lake City, Utah:
- Serena Jentz, senior, chemistry, “A Chemoenzymatic Approach to Synthesize New Anti-MRSA Drugs Using Enzymes to Cyclize Linear Lipopeptide Precursors Into Antibiotics.”
Salvador, Brazil:
- Filipe Guimaraes Goulart, senior, nutritional science and dietetics, “Generating a New Muscle-Specific Mouse Model for Studying MicroRNAs.”
Bamenda, Cameroon:
- Linda Acho, senior, biochemistry, “Investigating the Correlation Between Oral and Cervical Cancers Caused by Human Papilloma Virus and the Role Of HIV/AIDs in Such Cases.”
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:
- Meklit Aga, junior, psychology, “Sense of Belonging and Its Relationship With Student Success.”
Hong Kong:
- Rachamim Zamek, junior, civil engineering, “Identifying Bridge Typologies Vulnerable to Inland Flooding Using Fragility Models in Order to Build Community Resilience.”
Ahmedabad, India:
- Bhoomi Falgun Modi, sophomore, biochemistry, “Investigation of Natural Variation in Non-photochemical quenching in soybean.”
Hyderabad, India:
- Bharath Kumar Manchikanti, senior, mathematics, “Developing an Automated Tool for Testing SAT-Solvers.”
- Saicharith Vaitla, junior, computer science, “An Empirical Study on How Developers Detect Defects in UML Class Diagrams.”
Buon Ma Thuot, Vietnam:
- Khoa Anh Le, senior, computer science, “Engineering an Integrated Gene Visualization Tool for Complex Genomic Contents.”
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam:
- Thao Tu, senior, computer science, “An Exploration for Mixed SQL and NoSQL Databases With Biological Genomic Data.”
Cutline: Ethan Dunn, a senior political science major from Omaha, researches a case June 14 as part of the project “Petitioning for Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West,” under faculty adviser Katrina Jagodinsky. He is among 148 students participating in the university’s Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience Program this summer. (Craig Chandler/University Communication and Marketing)