More than 228 University of Nebraska-Lincoln employees were recently honored for providing support to students.
The Parents’ Recognition Awards, presented during a Feb. 2 ceremony in the Nebraska Union, are earned through nominations made from parents of Nebraska students. Presented annually, the honors provide positive feedback to faculty and staff about their work with students. They also encourage good student and faculty relationships and provide recognition in an area often overlooked in the formal rewards system.
The Parents Association solicits nominations through an annual mailing, asking parents to nominate a faculty or staff employee who has made a significant difference in their student’s life. Nominations include a short explanation of why this person was nominated.
All who were nominated by at least one parent or student and who are still with the university received a certificate. The annual recognition ceremony was organized by the Office of Student Affairs and co-sponsored by the Teaching Council and the Parents Association. Certificates of recognition for contributions to students were given during the ceremony. This is the 30th year Nebraska faculty and staff have received the awards from the Parents Association.
The 2017-2018 recipients are listed below. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of years a recipient has received the award. If no number is listed, the award is a first-time honor.
For more information, contact Student Affairs at 402-472-3755.
Academic Affairs
Admissions - Radell Nared Jr.
Computer Science and Management - Anna Pressler (2)
Criminology and Criminal Justice - Karen Fulton (7); Diana Elias
Exploratory and Pre-Professional Advising Center - Kelsey Yadon
First-Year Experiences and Transition Programs - Dan Hutt; Cheryl Pflueger (2)
Gerontology (Public Affairs and Community Service) - Bede Bolin; Julie Masters (6)
Military and Veteran Success Center - Deb Quinn (6)
Military Science (Army ROTC) - Brandon Lake (2)
Scholarships and Financial Aid - Anna Plank (11)
Undergraduate Education Programs - Patricia Sollars
William H. Thompson Learning Community - Kelli King (5)
Additional Units
Athletic Department - Brett Haskell; Lonna Henrichs; Katie Jewell (15); Mike Nieman (6); Kim Schellpeper (2); Jeremiah Sievers; John Walker (3); Keith Zimmer (11)
Nebraska Alumni Association - Jordan Gonzales (2); Larry Routh (5)
Nebraska Forest Service - John Erixson
Student Affairs - Tonda Humphress (6)
Trio Programs - Marianna Burks (3)
University Housing - Emma Fryda; Jason Hughes (2); Jane Wemhoff
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Agricultural Economics - Jeff Peterson; Rosalee Swartz (20)
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication - Lloyd Bell (5); Lindsay Hastings (4); Matt Kreifels; James Lee; Jamie Loizzo; LJ McElravy (2); Dann Husmann (3)
Agronomy and Horticulture - Stacy Adams (3); Charles Francis; John Guretzky; Donald Lee (25)
Animal Science - Bradley Bennett; Dennis Brink (12); Lisa Karr (6); James MacDonald (2)
Biochemistry - Erin Sayer (8)
Biological Systems Engineering - Jenna Hefley; Roger Hoy (6); Deepak Keshwani (6); Angie Pannier; Suat Irmak
Dean’s Office - Sue Ellen Pegg (6); Tiffany Heng-Moss (11); Thomas Field (5)
Environmental Studies - Christine Haney (2)
Food Science and Technology - John H. Rupnow (7); Randy Wehling (5)
Forensic Science - Larry Barksdale (3)
Natural Resources - Dennis Ferraro (5); Jamilynn Poletto; Elizabeth VanWormer; Elyse Watson; Sara Winn (5)
Statistics - Jessica Hauschild
Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences - J. Dustin Loy; Lila Tooker (5)
College of Architecture
Architecture - Jeffrey Day; Marc Maxey; Rumiko Handa (3)
Dean’s Office - Leslie Gonzalez (2); Stephanie Kuenning
Interior Design - Lindsey Bahe (2)
College of Arts and Sciences
Biological Sciences - Peter Angeletti (3); Gwen Bachman (13); Brian Couch (3); William Glider (7); Anna Hiatt; Colin Meiklejohn; Wendy O’Connor (8); Wayne Riekhof (4); Daniel Schachtman; Hiep Vu; David Woodman (8)
Chemistry - Barry Cheung; Mark Griep (2); Jason Kautz (10); Christopher McCune (5); Jian Zhang
Classics and Religious Studies - Matthew Loar (3)
Communication Studies - Jaclyn Marsh (2); William Seiler (3)
Computer Science and Engineering - Carrick Detweiler; Jenna Huttenmaier
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - David Harwood (4); Mindi Searls
English - Jonathan Cheng; Amanda Gailey (3); Scott Guild; Katherine Henson; Gabriel Houck (2); Frances Kaye (2); Alexander Ramirez; Guy Reynolds; Beverley Rilett (5); Linda Rogge
Geography - Becky Buller (6)
Global Studies - Emira Ibrahimpasic (2)
History - Thomas Berg (9); Parks Coble; Ann Tschetter (5); Patrick Jones
Mathematics - Andrew Becklin (2); Jeffery DeVries; Janet Emery; Kevin Gonzales (2); Nicholas J. Kass; John Murphree; Bob Ruyle (3); Nathan Wakefield (2)
Modern Languages and Literatures - Elizabeth Enkin; Christiane Jensen; Chisato Steele; Randall Watson (8); Sijia Yao (2)
Physics and Astronomy - Shireen Adenwalla
Political Science - John Gruhl (14); Ari Kohen; Patrice McMahon (7); Robert Schub; Kevin Smith (6)
Psychology - Robert Belli; Carolyn Brown Kramer; Marybeth Helmink; Joanna Seley; Manda Williamson (6)
College of Business
Accountancy - Joel Owens (2)
Advising - Natasha Crawford; Wendy Hunt; Ashley Wegener (2); Rachel Wesley
Career Services - Janessa Hageman
Clifton Strengths Institute - Samantha Kennelly (2)
Dean’s Office - D’vee Buss (8)
Economics - Sam Allgood (6); Christopher Mann; Laurie Miller (4); Junpyo Park;
Finance - Yijia Lin; Shane Moser; Roberto Stein (2); Shawn Strother (2)
Honors Academy - Erin Burnette (4)
Management - Samuel Nelson (7); John Osiri (2); Troy Smith (2); Kevin Wesley; Mark Pogue
Marketing - Michelle Jacobs (7); Chad Mardesen; Laura McLeod (2)
College of Education and Human Sciences
Child, Youth and Family Studies - Erin Keller; Sheree Moser (3)
Dean’s Office - Debra Mullen (11)
Educational Psychology - Sonya Bhatia; Kenji Madison
Nutrition and Health Sciences - Ajai Ammachathram; Joyce McMeen (3); Shannon Rowen (4); Mary Willis (4)
Special Education and Communication Disorders - Beth Dinneen (2); Amber Jara; Sue Kemp (4); Matthew Lambert
Student Services Center - Ben Bannon; Amanda Bergeron-Bauer (3); Eric Einspahr (4)
Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education - Ali Moeller (10); Justin Olmanson; Yassine Rfissa; Loukia Sarroub; Sarah Thomas (3); Stephanie Wessels
Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design - Jennifer Johnson Jorgensen
College of Engineering
Architectural Engineering and Construction - Matthew Barrows; Kevin Grosskopf (2)
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Khalid Sayood (3)
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Eveline Baesu (2); Karen Coen-Brown (2); Kevin Cole (5); Michael Sealy (2); Wieslaw Szydlowski (7); Joseph Turner
College of Journalism and Mass Communications
Advertising and Public Relations - Nancy Mitchell (13); Monte Olsen; Changmin Yan
Advising - Jill Arth (4); Andrea Gaghagen (2)
Broadcasting - Rick Alloway (25); Trina Creighton (8); John Shrader
Journalism - Sue Burzynski Bullard (2); Joe Starita (5); Bruce Thorson (6)
College of Fine and Performing Arts
Music - Scott Anderson (12); Paul Barnes (6); Gregory Beaver (3); Alisa Belflower (13); Doug Bush (5); Kate Butler (5); Tony Falcone (11); Dave Hall (2); Alan Mattingly (4); Lynne Nevin (2); Hans Sturm (2); Tyler White (3)
Theatre and Film - Morgan Barbour; Wesley Broulik; Christopher Irvin; Steve Kolbe (5)
Art, Art History and Design - Santiago Cal (3); Dana Fritz (5); Francisco Souto (2); Colleen Syron; Sandra Williams (10)
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
Technical Agriculture - Jo Bek (4); Kevin Martin (2)