The University of Nebraska–Lincoln reported 257 positive cases of COVID-19 during the previous week (Aug. 27 to Sept. 2).
During that same span, 8,580 tests were completed on students, faculty and staff. The positivity rate during the week was 2.99%.
This marks the first week that the vast majority of COVID-19 tests were completed on members of the campus community who are not vaccinated, are symptomatic or are not participating in the university’s voluntary vaccine registry. Previous positivity rates included re-entry testing, which, despite individual vaccine status, included results from all members of the campus community.
Tests are conducted through the university’s saliva-based reentry testing program, the University Health Center and off-campus medical facilities.
Since fall semester re-entry testing began on Aug. 15, 528 total cases have been recorded out of 40,459 tests, for a positivity rate of 1.31%.
This report is generated weekly and will be presented in Nebraska Today every Monday through the fall semester. Data is gathered from the university’s COVID-19 dashboard, which is tracking case and test totals daily. All COVID-19 testing information is provided to the university from the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department.
Learn more about the university’s ongoing response to COVID-19.