The 2017 Spring Research Fair featured more than 200 undergraduate research posters, 10 undergraduate creative exhibits, and 160-plus graduate research posters and exhibits on April 4-5 in the Nebraska Union.
More than 400 students participated over the course of the two-day fair. To recognize students’ creative and scholarly achievements and accomplishments, prizes were awarded to the top undergraduate and graduate posters and exhibits.
The top graduate posters, representing work and research from the arts and humanities, education, engineering, physical sciences, agricultural and life sciences, and social sciences receive a $400 travel grant to present research at a regional or national conference.
The top undergraduate posters receive a $250 award sponsored by their college.
Graduate honors
Jennifer Andersen, masters student, sociology, “Does Insulin Therapy Matter? Social Determinants of Diabetes Care Outcomes”
Gretchen Bergquist, doctoral student, communication studies, “Investigating Layers of Identity and Identity Gaps in Refugee Resettlement Experiences in the Midwestern United States”
Nikita Gambhir, doctoral student, plant pathology, “Whole Genome Sequencing for Analysis of Fungicide-Exposed Sclerotinia sclerotiorum”
Aileen Garcia, doctoral student, child, youth and family studies, “Predictors and Socio-Emotional Outcomes of Parental Involvement Among Low-Income Families”
Erome Daniel Hankore, doctoral student, chemistry, “Biosynthesis of Ethylene Glycol”
Junpyo Park, doctoral student, economics, “Crop Choice and Proximity to Ethanol Plants”
Hanh Phan, doctoral student, civil engineering, “Adsorption and Decontamination of Alpha-Synuclein from Medically and Environmentally-Relevant Surfaces”
Jose Santos, doctoral student, electrical and computer engineering, “Physiologically-Aware Communication Architecture for Transmission of Biomedical Signals in BASNs for Emerging IoT Applications”
Lauren Segal, doctoral student, plant pathology, “The Magnaporthe oryzae RSR1 Gene Regulates Fungal Antioxidation and is Essential for Host ROS Neutralization During Rice Cell Invasion”
Iren Tete, masters student, art and art history, “Deconstructing Ideas of Utility through the Making of Ceramic Vessels”
Anne Thomas, doctoral student, special education and communication disorders, “Assessing Parent-Examiner Agreement on Judgments of Infant Vocal Behaviors”
Dihua Xue, masters student, chemistry, “Applying Innovation Diffusion Model to Characterize STEM Faculty Attending Professional Development Programs”
Undergraduate honors
Winners are listed by college and include research topic and name of faculty adviser
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Catherine Jones, sophomore, agricultural and environmental sciences communication, “A Case Study of Agricultural and Natural Resources Scientist and Staff Twitter Usage for Engaging Public Audiences,” Jaime Loizzo
Morgan Parris, junior, animal science, “Animal Functional Genomics,” Jessica Petersen
Catherine Berrick, senior, fishers and wildlife, “Nightly Summer Activity Patterns of Northern Long-Eared Bats,” Craig Allen
Ellis Johnson, senior, insect science, “Arabidopsis-Cabbage Aphid Interaction: Role of Myzus Persicae-Induced Lipase 1 (MPL1) Gene,” Joe Louis
- Austin Arens, sophomore, landscape architecture, “The Role of Service Learning in Instruction at the University of Nebraska,” Kim Wilson
Arts and Sciences
Megan Wilson, senior, anthropology, “How were Fertility and Mortality in Custer County, Nebraska, Homesteaders Impacted by Extreme Weather Events,” LuAnn Wandsnider
Samuel Taylor, senior, biochemistry and biology, “Evaluation of the Fatty Acid Uptake Inhibitor Lipofermata in Mice,” Concetta DiRusso
Amanda Dale, senior, psychology, “The Limited Utility of the Affirmative Consent Standard: Effects on Perceptions of Sexual Scenarios,” Sarah Gervais
Abhirup Shome, senior, classics and religious studies, and anthropology, “The Cult of Dionysus: The Spread of Religion in Attica and Boeotia,” Sarah Murray
Roshan Bengali, senior, physics and mathematics, “Ultrafast Electron Diffraction,” Martin Centurion
Megan Manheim, senior, psychology, “Rape Myth Acceptance: The Impact of Alcohol Intoxication and Bystander Training,” David DiLillo
Business Administration
- Kurtis Cronican, senior, finance and economics, “Racial Discrimination and its Role in Wage-Unemployment Differentials,” Christopher Mann
Education and Human Sciences
Marina Powers, senior, English education, “Teaching Multicultural Texts in High Schools: Obstacles and Opportunities,” Lauren Gatti
Christina Hamling, sophomore, speech-language pathology, “Improving the Inter-Professional Relationship between Nurses and Speech-Language Pathologists,” Kristy Weissling
Carlie Bauer, junior, secondary English and language arts, “A Curiosity for Words: Vocabulary Acquisition in Middle School, “ Loukia Sarroub
Madison Warrick, senior, speech-language pathology; Laura Domet, senior, psychology; and Zachary Egr, senior, biological sciences and psychology, “Setting the Course for Child Development: Parenting Behaviors and the Early Years,” Susan Sheridan
Amber Stettnichs, senior, mechanical engineering; Jacob Quint, senior, mechanical engineering, “Exploration of the Effectiveness of Mechanical and Bioprosthetic Heart Valves in an Infant Setting,” Kevin Cole
Cole Dempsey, sophomore, mechanical engineering, “Development of a Mobile-Support System for Late Stage Rehabilitation,” Carl Nelson
Brett Whorley, junior, biological systems engineering, “Improving Ankle Kinematics on Madonna Pedi-ICARE,” Chase Pfeifer
Elizabeth Regier, senior, civil engineering, “Influence of Climate Change on Trace Organic Loading Rates to Groundwater,” Xu Li
Fine and Performing Arts
Phuc Tran, junior, art, “The Aliens: Illustrated Narratives of Immigrant Experiences Bridging Eastern and Western Cultures,” Sandra Williams
Taylor Mead, junior, music, “Compositions and Arrangements for the Husker Horn Choir,” Alan Mattingly
Journalism and Mass Communications
- Sydney Prorok, senior, advertising and public relations; Emily Applegate, senior, advertising and public relations; Janie Barber, junior, advertising and public relations, and Spanish); and Huy Tran, senior, art, “Lincoln Public Works,” Amy Struthers