Recent achievements for the campus community were earned by Lindsey Bahe, Marc Goodrich, Cole McClurg, Jacob Ocholik, Anne Streich, Dirac Twidwell, William G. Thomas III, Jennifer Weisbrod and Iker González-Allende.
Lindsey Bahe, program director and associate professor of interior design, has been awarded the Teaching Excellence Award by the Interior Design Educators Council. The award recognizes an individual or team’s success in the development and delivery of a specific educational experience that yields exceptional student learning. Bahe was recognized for her work in establishing an actionable core mission for the Interior Design Program that incorporates a common thread and operable framework for creative problem-solving that spans the program’s studio sequence. Read the full story here.
Marc Goodrich, assistant professor in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, was selected as the recipient of the Rebecca L. Sandak Young Investigator Award from the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. The award recognizes a gifted young reading researcher who shows outstanding promise and dedication to the field. Read the full story here.
A University of Nebraska–Lincoln turfgrass team earned fourth place at the 27th Annual Collegiate Turf Bowl competition, announced Feb. 4 by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. Turfgrass and landscape management majors Cole McClurg, a junior, and Jacob Ocholik, a sophomore, made up the fourth-place team and were advised by Anne Streich, associate professor of practice in agronomy and horticulture. Read more of the story here.
Dirac Twidwell, associate professor and rangeland ecologist in agronomy and horticulture, was presented with the Nebraska Cattlemen Foundation’s Nebraska Range and Conservation Endowment award and grant during the virtual 2020 Nebraska Cattlemen Annual Convention in December. Read the full story here.
“A Question of Freedom: The Families Who Challenged Slavery from the Nation’s Founding to the Civil War,” by William G. Thomas III, has been shortlisted for the Mark Lynton History Prize by the Columbia Journalism School and the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University. The prize is awarded to the book-length work of narrative history, on any subject, that best combines intellectual distinction with felicity of expression. Thomas is a professor of history, the John and Catherine Angle Chair in the Humanities, and associate dean for research and graduate education in the College of Arts and Sciences. Read more here.
- In January, Jennifer Weisbrod joined the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture as an assistant extension educator and Pesticide Safety Education Program coordinator. Read more here.
- Iker González-Allende, Leland and Dorothy Olson Professor of Spanish, published a critical edition of a Basque novel published during the Spanish Civil War, “Euzkadi en llamas” (“The Basque Country in Flames”), by Ramón Belaustegigoitia. Read more here.
This column is a regular feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.