Learn more about recent honors, appointments and publications at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in this week’s achievements column.
Jeremiah Brown, third-year architecture student, is the recipient of the 2020 John J. Nelson Sr. Legacy Scholarship. The $10,000 scholarship was established to support diversity and further the study of interior design and architecture for students of African-American descent. It is named in honor of John J. Nelson Sr., founder and principal of design for NELSON and known supporter of design education, diversity and unfettered access to education.
Smith Residence Hall president Oscar Canizales has been awarded the First-Year Experience Award by the National Association of College and University Residence Halls. Canizales, a criminology major from Wakefield, Nebraska, was recognized for his contributions as president and for his work as speaker of the senate on the Residence Hall Association executive board.
Danni Gilbert, associate professor of practice in music, presented her research project “An examination and comparison of the perceived levels of anxiety and depression of university music majors and non-music majors” remotely at the 11th annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts in Athens, Greece.
Katie Kerr, director of Nebraska’s Explore Center, is the recipient of the National Academic Advising Association’s Outstanding Advising Administrator Award. Kerr started her career as an academic adviser, was selected as the leader of a brand new student success unit when the Explore Center was created and has led that unit’s growth and impact for several years.
Elizabeth Niehaus, associate professor in the Department of Educational Administration in the College of Education and Human Sciences, has been named a University of California National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement Fellow for the class of 2020-2021. Niehaus was one of ten fellows selected this year to receive a stipend to develop a project related to advancing the national conservation on expression and civic engagement on college campuses. The projects will focus on creating educational materials and programs to be used on college campuses to encourage viewpoint diversity and inclusivity among students.
Terry Ratzlaff, graduate student in photography in the School of Art, Art History and Design, has received the Maude Hammond Fling Fellowship from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln for his third year of graduate studies. The Fling Fellowship is one of the university’s most prestigious graduate honors and is awarded to graduate students who have demonstrated the highest levels of academic potential.
Breanna Reynolds, a PGA golf management undergraduate student from Parker, South Dakota, is one of ten students selected by PGA REACH to receive a scholarship through the PGA WORKS Golf Management University Scholarship Program for the 2020-2021 academic school year. The $8,000 scholarships are designed to improve the recruitment and retention of talented and motivated students from diverse backgrounds who are pursuing PGA Membership through PGA Golf Management University Programs nationwide.
Nine Department of Agronomy and Horticulture students have received fellowships and scholarships for 2020-2021. Recipients of the Milton E. Mohr 2020–2021 awards include Joshua Miranda, agronomy master’s student in weed science; undergraduate agronomy majors Ryan Beck and Nathan Donoghue; and plant biology majors Samuel Polk, Elizabeth Schousek and Caleb Wehrbein. Graduate students Alison Ludwig, Travis Millikan and Dillon Fogarty were awarded the Arthur William Sampson Fellowship for 2020-2021.
This column is a regular feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.