Recent achievements for the campus community were earned by Shelby Boerman, Tierney Lorenz, Philip Schwadel, Hannah Christy, Craig Findley, Lalit Agarwal, Jim Jackson and staff from the Center for Great Plains Studies.
Selby Boerman, a master’s student in animal science and a graduate research assistant, won the Arthur W. Sampson Fellowship Fund award. This award grants fellowships to support graduate students with a special interest in pasture and range management in the state of Nebraska. Students must have high potential for research accomplishments in their chosen thesis, degree project or dissertation topic. Learn more about Boerman and her research here.
Tierney Lorenz, assistant professor of psychology, was recently awarded a Young Investigator Grant from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. With the two-year, $70,000 grant, Lorenz will investigate novel behavioral and physiological mechanisms by which menstrual cycle-related mood disorders arise, and test how hormones and inflammation contribute to mood symptoms in survivors of sexual trauma.
Philip Schwadel, undergraduate chair and Happold Professor of Sociology, earned the 2020 Distinguished Sociology of Religion Journal Article Award from the Association for the Sociology of Religion. The article, “Sectarian Religion and Political Tolerance in the United States,” examines changes in the association between sectarian religion and political tolerance over time and across generations in the U.S. Schwadel coauthored the paper with alumnus Chris Garneau.
Hannah Christy and Craig Findlay won the Student Grand Prize in Architizer’s One Drawing Challenge 2020. Their drawing, titled “Concrete Atla(nti)s,” offers a glimpse of recycling activities taking place within the aging walls of a repurposed missile silo. Architizer is home to the world’s largest community of architects online. The One Drawing Challenge is an annual contest where students and professionals are invited to tell a story through one architectural drawing.
Lalit Agarwal, director of utility and energy management, and Jim Jackson, associate vice chancellor of University Operations, wrote an article on the university’s reopening that was published on Realcomm. The article, titled “University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Reopening Campuses Safely,” can be read here..
National Parks Magazine published an article featuring research from the Center for Great Plains Studies. The article focuses on Black homesteader communities, especially in Nicodemus, Kansas, one of six historical Black communities studied by the project.
This column is a regular feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.