June 23, 2017

Achievements | Honors, awards, publications for June 23

Alanna Johnson photographs May Nguyen as she works on a customer's wedding dress in her shop, May's Alterations. The photos were for the Nebraska Mosaic project.
Courtesy photo

Courtesy photo
Alanna Johnson photographs May Nguyen as she works on a customer's wedding dress in her shop, May's Alterations. The photos were for the Nebraska Mosaic project.

Huskers who earned recent honors include faculty/staff Tom Clemente, Mark Griep and Jay Storz. Other honors include the publication of a multimedia project on Lincoln’s role in resettling refugees and Milton E. Mohr awards for eight biochemistry students.


  • Tom Clemente, professor of agronomy and horticulture, has been awarded the Crop Science Research Award from the Crop Science Society of America. The award, which recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of crop science, will be awarded Oct. 23 at the society’s annual meeting in Tampa, Florida. Clemente and his program have contributed to 69 peer reviewed publications, six patents and six book chapters. His program has aided in the scientific training of many individuals, both domestic and international, including 22 graduate students and 11 postdoctoral associates. For more information, click here.

  • Mark Griep, associate professor of chemistry, won the 2017 Helen M. Free Award of Public Outreach from the American Chemical Society. The award recognizes outstanding achievements in outreach by a member of the society who improves public recognition and appreciation for the contributions of chemistry. Established in 1995, the award includes a crystal sculpture and a $1,000 prize.

  • Jay Storz, professor of biological sciences, has been named an honorary professor by Aarhus University of Science and Technology in Aarhus, Denmark. The award furthers collaborations between Storz and colleagues in Aarhus University’s Department of Biosicence. The award is reserved for internationally highly esteemed researchers who have fostered close ties with Aarhus University. Storz has worked closely with Aarhus bioscience faculty for the last eight years. The collaboration has included the reciprocal exchange of students and post-doctorates. The honorary professorship started May 1 and continues through April 30, 2022. It allows Storz to deliver lectures and take part in research projects at Aarhus University. For more information on Storz and his research focus, click here.


  • Shannyn Bird, Allison Barnes, Andrew Cook, Andrew Egger, Brianna Kellar, Kali Rimington, Andrew Schacht and Tiffany Truong received Milton E. Mohr Awards for the 2017-18 academic year. All eight are biochemistry students. The awards are reserved for students in biotechnology and engineering sciences and based on academic performance and career potential. Barnes was awarded a graduate fellowship, while the other seven honorees received undergraduate scholarships.

  • College of Journalism and Mass Communications students in the Nebraska Mosaic capstone course published an in-depth multimedia project about the role Lincoln has played in resettling refugees. The seven-part series, “Refugees on the Prairie,” was created by students during the spring semester. The students include Nate Becwar, Allan Christensen, Madeline Christensen, Taige Hale, Alanna Johnson, Cassie Kernick, Mekenzie Kerr, Hana Muslic, Drew Preston, Jennifer Rooney, Jason Shaneyfelt, Andy Vipond, Zach Worthington and Madison Wurtele. The class was led by Michelle Carr Hassler, assistant professor of practice. Click here to access the multimedia project.

This column is a regular Friday feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.

Tom Clemente
Tom Clemente
Mark Griep
Jay Storz