Recent achievements earned by the campus community were awarded to Ethann Barnes, Sheri Fritz, Zahoor Ganie, Suat Irmak, Dipra Jha, Aaron Johnson, Meetpal Kukal, Amanda Morales and Pat Tetreault.
Sheri Fritz, professor of earth and atmospheric sciences, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Paleolimnology Association. First awarded in 2008, the honor recognizes those who have advanced the field of paleolimnology — which studies extremely old biological remains and sediment to reconstruct the history of lakes, rivers and other inland waters — and who have furthered the public’s understanding of long-term environmental change. The association will present Fritz with a medal to commemorate her award at a June symposium in Stockholm, Sweden.
Zahoor A. Ganie, agronomy and horticulture postdoctoral research associate, was awarded an Outstanding Reviewer Award by the Canadian Journal of Plant Science. The honor is for consistently and expeditiously delivering comprehensive, discerning reviews to the journal’s authors.
Suat Irmak, professor of biological systems engineering and earth and atmospheric sciences, and Meetpal Kukal, a doctoral student, published a paper that investigated long-term spatio-temporal climate impacts on crops grown within counties in the Great Plains region. The paper, which published in Nature Scientific Reports, examined impacts on agriculture in all 834 counties in the region.
Dipra Jha, assistant professor of practice in hospitality, restaurant and tourism management, delivered a Guru Series lecture at Shoolini University on Feb. 12. The series invites experts from around the world to engage with students, faculty and staff at the university in Solan, India. The talk focused on the future of work and how automation and augmented intelligence are reshaping careers as well as creating new opportunities.
Aaron Johnson, assistant professor of teaching, learning and teacher education and colleagues, received a National Technology Leadership Initiative’s Technology Paper Award by the College and University Faculty Assembly, a research affiliate of the National Council for the Social Studies. The award, presented in San Francisco at the assembly’s annual conference, was given for the presentation and paper, “Making the Invisible Visible: Evaluating the Use of Mixed Reality to Teach a Forgotten Local History — School Segregation — with Fifth Graders.”
Amanda Morales, assistant professor in teaching, learning and teacher education, has been selected for the Teacher Diversity Research Award from the Diversified Teacher Workforce Topical Action Group of the American Association of College for Teacher Education. Morales received the award Feb. 28 during a reception at the Diversified Teaching Workforce Institute. The award recognizes outstanding research and advocacy for the purpose of advancing teacher diversity.
Pat Tetreault, director of the LGBTQA+ Resource Center, received the 2018 Research Recognition Award from the American College Personnel Association’s Coalition for Sexual and Gender Identities. The award recognizes completed or ongoing research on gender and sexuality in higher education. Since 2007, Tetreault has conducted research to advance the LGBTQA+ community. https://studentaffairs.unl.edu/news/tetreault-honored-research-contribut…
- Ethann Barnes, an agronomy doctoral student, placed third in the doctoral oral presentation competition at the 58th Annual Conference of the Weed Science Society of America in Arlington, Virginia, Jan. 29-31. Barnes’ presentation was titled “Critical Time of Weed Removal in Popcorn and Focused on Evaluating the Critical Period for Weed Removal in Popcorn with or without Pre-herbicide and the Sensitivity of Popcorn Hybrids Commonly Grown in Nebraska to Pre- and Post-herbicides.
This column is a regular Friday feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.