September 30, 2016

Achievements | Honors, awards, publications for Sept. 30

Recent accomplishments earned by members of the campus community include faculty/staff Emily Casper, James Gentry, Rumiko Handa, Holly Hatton-Bowers and Dipra Jha; student Keric Rolle; and the Alphi Phi chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon.


Emily Casper, campus landscape architect, accepted on behalf of the university a four-star level landscape management and operations accreditation honor from the Professional Grounds Management Society. The accreditation program evaluates strategic grounds management principles and practices. It offers four levels of accreditation, with four stars being the top award. The accreditation process is designed to recognize excellence and provide a means by which facilities can measure growth and improvements in meeting best practice goals. Casper developed the university’s accreditation submission. For more information on the program, click here.

James Gentry, marketing professor, received the George Fisk Award, presented by the Macromarketing Society. The award recognizes the best conference paper presented at the annual Macromarketing Conference. Gentry’s paper examined migrant workers in China, and specifically focused on “hokou,” a Chinese government policy. Hukou amounts to an official household registration designation, which determines where citizens are allowed to live. For more information on the award, click here.

Rumiko Handa has been asked to write a letter to the editor for Architecture Boston. Handa’s letter stresses the point that “Urban Mining” in architectural design is not a new concept, but rather a rediscovery of a technique that has been used throughout history. Her goal of the piece is to inspire a renewed mindset that beauty can be found in reusing old and imperfect materials in a new construction. For more information, click here.

Holly Hatton-Bowers, assistant professor in child youth and family studies, has been recognized by the Journal of Social Work Education for her paper, “Evaluating Training to Promote Critical Thinking Skills for Determining Children’s Safety.” It was selected to receive honorable mention for being one of the best papers published in the mixed methods category during 2015. Hatton-Bowers will be presented the award at the Council on Social Work Education 2016 Annual Program Meeting in Atlanta in November.

Dipra Jha, assistant professor of practice in hospitality, restaurant and tourism management, was named Professor of the Month by Omicron Delta Kappa. The national leadership senior honor society’s Nebraska Circle held an event Sept. 22 to recognize Jha for being an outstanding educator.


Keric Rolle, a senior actuarial science major, is one of 48 students awarded the 2016 Actuarial Diversity Scholarship. Promoting cultural diversity through its recognition of Black/African American, Hispanic and Native North American students, the Actuarial Diversity Scholarship is an annual scholarship program administered through The Actuarial Foundation. It recognizes the academic achievements of full-time undergraduate students pursuing a degree that may lead to a career in the actuarial profession. For more information, click here.


Alphi Phi chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, the university’s geography student honor society, was one of 11 chapters worldwide to earn an Honors Chapter Award for 2016. The Nebraska group was also one of 12 chapters worldwide in 2015 to receive the award. For more information, click here.

This column is a regular Friday feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit their achievements to be considered for this column via email to For more information, call 402-472-8515.

Rumiko Handa
Dipra Jha