Saadi Bualaq, Anna Spethman and Dustin Manhart, University of Nebraska–Lincoln alumni who are currently employed with the United States Agency for International Development and working in the field of development and humanitarianism will participate in a virtual panel from 3 to 4 p.m. on April 26.
The event is open to all students.
USAID provides timely and effective humanitarian response, bringing disaster relief and lifesaving assistance amidst complex crises across the globe. Their decentralized network of resident field missions manages U.S. Government programs in low-income countries for a range of purposes, including: Disaster relief, poverty relief, technical cooperation on global issues, including the environment, U.S. bilateral interests and socioeconomic development.
Learn about different internship and job opportunities and how you can make yourself more marketable for a career with one of the most important federal agencies.
Register to attend here.
For questions, contact Dr. Emira Ibrahimpasic, sssociate professor of practice and assistant director of Global Studies at emira@unl.edu.