To gather feedback on the Fiscal Year 2018 budget reduction process, the Academic Planning Committee has scheduled a public hearing on proposed University of Nebraska-Lincoln budget reductions for 1:30 p.m. Jan. 17 at the Nebraska Union (room posted), 14th and R streets.
To be considered are approximately $3.4 million in proposed reallocations submitted by Chancellor Ronnie Green on Nov. 15.
The Academic Planning Committee has outlined the following steps for those who wish to respond to proposed reductions.
To present testimony at the scheduled budget hearing: Written (email) notice of intent to appear:
To coordinate the hearing schedule, the APC requests that all individuals wishing to respond to the proposals at the hearing submit a written (email) notice of intent to appear. This notice of intent is nonbinding and an individual or unit that expresses the intent to appear may later decline. Please note that one who does not submit such a notice of intent can still speak at the hearing.
The written notice (email) of intent to appear should be sent to the Academic Planning Committee, c/o Karen Griffin, coordinator of faculty governance, at karen.griffin@unl.edu by 5 p.m. Jan. 12. The notice should contain the specific budget reduction(s) that the presenter intends to discuss, the name of the presenter, and contact information for the presenter. The notice may also include a written statement as described below; this may materially affect the impact of the presentation.
To submit a formal written (email) response to budget reduction proposals:
Written responses to budget reduction proposals are also welcome and can be quite insightful and helpful to APC members during the review. For written responses:
Include the reduction item that is being addressed;
Include the name, email, and phone number of the individual(s), and department, or unit head submitting the response; and
Limit written responses to two pages or less.
Refer to the “criteria section” of the procedures to be invoked for significant budget reallocations and reductions for guidance. Refer to particular sections if you are making an argument that reduction or elimination or reorganization is inadvisable.
Please direct written responses to the Academic Planning Committee, c/o Karen Griffin, coordinator of faculty governance, at karen.griffin@unl.edu by 5 p.m. Jan. 12.
The Academic Planning Committee is a universitywide group charged with monitoring the budget reduction process and reviewing the chancellor’s proposed reductions. The budget hearing is open to faculty, staff, students and the general public.
Learn more about the committee, its membership, meetings and procedures.