Steve Graham and Karen Harris, professors in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University, will be the keynote speakers during a mini-conference on writing research April 7-8 at the Home Economics Building.
The event is free to all attendees, but space is limited to 200 participants each day. Registration closes March 31.
The first day of the conference will focus on research-oriented topics. It is open to all faculty and students at Nebraska. The second day will be a teacher- and practice-oriented day. It is open to all faculty and students at Nebraska and teachers from Lincoln Public Schools and other area schools.
Each day will feature a welcome session, writing breakout sessions and a keynote address by Graham and Harris. The keynote address April 7 will be “The State of Writing Research.” The topic for April 8 will be writing instruction. In addition, there will be a graduate student luncheon and roundtable discussion April 7, during which Graham and Harris will discuss publishing in high-quality journals. The luncheon is limited to 35 individuals.
Graham has more than 30 years of experience studying how writing develops, how to teach it effectively and how writing can be used to support reading and learning. His research involves developing writers and students with special needs in both elementary and secondary schools, including extensive research in classrooms.
Harris has worked in the field of education for more than 40 years, initially as a general education teacher, then as a special education teacher. Her research focuses on informing and improving theory, research and practice related to writing development among students with high-incidence disabilities, students who struggle with writing and normally achieving students.
Any questions or requests for more information about the writing research mini-conference may be directed to Michael Hebert at michael.hebert@unl.edu or Pam Bazis at pbazis@huskers.unl.edu.
Complete schedules for each day, as well as online registration, are available here: