January 31, 2024

Bailey presents faculty recital Feb. 6

John Bailey

John Bailey

John Bailey, the Richard H. Larson Distinguished Professor of Music will present a faculty recital at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 6 in Westbrook Recital Hall, Room 119.

The concert is free and open to the public. The concert will also be live webcast.

Bailey, flute, will be assisted by Christopher Marks, harpsichord and piano, and Jamie Reimer, soprano.

The program includes Michel Blavet’s “Sonata,” op. 2 No. 1 (“L’Henriette”), Daruis Milhaud’s “Sonatine,” Randall Snyder’s “Perfume Counter, Dillards and other playlets,” Joachim Andersen’s “From Acht Vortragsstück,” op. 55, and Dan Welcher’s “Forenstan’s Falcon.”

“This year’s faculty recital contains works I have never performed, including a premiere of a new work for soprano and alto flute by UNL composer emeritus, Randall Snyder,” Bailey said. “While I have taught numerous sonatas by the French baroque flutist and composer Michel Blavet (including supervising a DMA document on his sonatas, op. 3), I have not yet performed a Blavet sonata in Lincoln. Likewise, though I have taught many, many flute etudes by Romantic composer and flutist Joachim Andersen, I have not explored his charming salon pieces. The final work on the program, by contemporary American composer Dan Welcher, is a short, wild movement in a completely different style to the rest of the program. The only piece I have played before—26 years ago on the Kimball Hall stage—is the charming three-movement Sonatine of Milhaud, who incorporated elements of jazz into his classically noted work.”

Bailey is a member of the Moran Woodwind Quintet, the resident faculty quintet in the Glenn Korff School of Music, as well as principal flutist with Lincoln’s Symphony Orchestra. He is an active recitalist, lecturer and masterclass teacher.