A free support group for breastfeeding mothers returning to school or work is meeting at noon on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Women’s Center, Nebraska Union, Room 338. The group’s first meeting is Feb. 12.
The group is led by Jenny Maestas, an international board certified lactation consultant at MilkWorks, and Kacey Nelkin Pedersen, staff council chair for the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women. It is open to students, staff, and faculty. Participants may attend while pregnant or after the baby is born.
Conversations will center around breastfeeding, motherhood and returning to school or work. Nursing babies are welcome. A scale will be provided for those wanting to do a pre- and post-feeding weight.
For more information contact Kacey Nelkin Pedersen, knelkinpedersen2@unl.edu.