August 19, 2020

Bureau of Sociological Research offers quick, thorough transcription services

Craig Chandler | University Communication

The Bureau of Sociological Research has provided a range of research assistance to faculty, administrative units, students and many other entities since it was established in 1964.

With expertise and a well-established background in mail surveys, web surveys, telephone interviewing, in-person interviewing and focus groups, the bureau is making research easier and more accessible. The Bureau of Sociological Research also provides efficient, professional transcription services to researchers.

“I have been fortunate to rely on BOSR staff to transcribe nearly 100 in-depth qualitative interviews for me,” said Kelsy Burke, assistant professor of sociology. “Normally transcription substantially slows down my research process, but I have BOSR to thank for keeping my research program moving forward, with barely a pause between the time of an interview and having a transcript ready to code.”

With years of experience, the bureau transcribes one-on-one interviews and focus groups of multiple speakers using audio or video files. Their attention to detail and quick turnaround makes them a valuable on-campus resource to researchers.

“The speed with which they are able to complete transcriptions is amazing, and transcriptions are meticulous and always free from error,” said Burke.

If you are in need of transcription, please contact the Bureau of Sociological Research.