Chancellor Ronnie Green has selected 45 individuals to serve on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Campuswide Collaborative on Sexual Misconduct.
Announced in September, the collaborative is charged with recommending efforts to improve education training and policy development to address sexual misconduct. In collaboration with Student Affairs, Title IX, and Academic Affairs, it is led by Susan Swearer, professor of educational psychology and a licensed psychologist.
“The university has a long history of supporting anti-violence work on campus. The collaborative is an extension of this work, and will provide recommendations for how to better communicate our resources, improve our efforts or address any gaps,” Green said. “I look forward to the collaborative’s work and to hearing more about the ways in which the university can promote best practices related to prevention, education, intervention, and policy development.”
Modeled after similar initiatives at other Big Ten institutions (including Indiana, Rutgers, Illinois, Maryland and Purdue), the collaborative will represent students faculty, staff and the community. Membership — listed below — includes individuals from nearly 40 campus units.
The collaborative will include three working groups in key areas: prevention and education; intervention; and policy, procedures and practices. Each working group will be co-led by appointed faculty and staff with expertise in the three areas. The groups will be tasked with working together to identify recommendations and provide them to Green by May 15, 2020.
While pursuing its charge, the collaborative will follow best practices as outlined by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators’ “Culture of Respect: CORE Blueprint.” The publication is a strategic roadmap designed to address sexual violence on university campuses.
Nebraska’s vice chancellor for student affairs and its Title IX coordinator will serve on the group as ex officio members.
Campuswide Collaborative on Sexual Misconduct
Chair — Susan Swearer, Educational Psychology
Students — Mikayla Algeo, Communication Studies; Josh Haby, Psychology; Emily Johnson, ASUN; Alyssa Jones, PREVENT; Lexie Karkazis, Panhellenic Council; Joshua Keller, Nutrition and Health Sciences; Roni Miller, ASUN; Carmen Paniagua, Multicultural Greek Council/Panhellenic Council; Elijah “Eli” Sherman, PREVENT; Eli Soell, Interfraternity Council/Panhellenic Council
Faculty — Marco Barker, Diversity and Inclusion; Tammy Beck, Business; Lorna Dawes, Faculty Senate/University Libraries; David DiLillo, Psychology; Sarah Gervais, Psychology; Kevin Hanrahan, Faculty Senate/Music; David Hansen, Psychology; Lisa Kort-Butler, Sociology; L.J. McElravy, Graduate Studies; Patrice McMahon, University Honors; Marc Pearce, Law; Paul Springer, Child, Youth & Family Studies; Shari Stenberg, Faculty Senate/English; Mehmet Can Vuran, Faculty Senate/Computer Science;
Staff — Connie Boehm, Big Red Resilience and Well-being; Kara Brant, CARE; Sammi Cowger, Athletics; Ryan Fette, Institutional Equity and Compliance; Sam Goodin, Services for Students with Disabilities; Kyla Gorji, Human Resources/Employee Assistance Program; Jake Johnson, Student Affairs; Jeanne Keyser, Residence Life; Kelli King, Undergraduate Education; Michael Maas, University Police Department; Amanda Metcalf, UAAD; Alice Mitwaruciu, Counseling and Psychological Services; Marnie Nelson, Education Abroad; Britte Otte, University Health Center; Hassan Ramza, University Police Department; Beverly Russell, Center for Transformative Teaching; Lyn Seiser, Association of Campus Religious Workers; Pat Tetreault, LGBTQA+/Women’s Center; Leigh Thiedeman, Fraternity and Sorority Life; Kelsey Yadon, Explore Center/Career Services