University of Nebraska–Lincoln students won 13 awards for outstanding creative work at the 2023 Creative Nebraska Awards Show.
Hosted by the American Advertising Federation’s Nebraska Chapter, the awards show is an annual event that honors the “freshest, most original and most daring advertising work found in this state.” The awards, called ADDYs, are awarded in gold, silver and bronze, and recognize students for their outstanding creations.

The awards show recognizes two divisions: practicing professionals and students. The student competition is intended to honor the creative spirit of advertising and recognize and reward creative excellence in the art of advertising. Award entries are submitted in their appropriate categories to a university’s local chapter, where they’re scored by a panel of judges based on various dimensions of creativity.
The local awards are the first step in gaining entry to the national competition. Gold awards are automatically submitted to the district competition, and silver awards are eligible for the competition. District winners move on to the national competition. University students won a total of six gold awards and six silver awards. Rachel Dempsey, a December 2022 graduate, won the Best in Show award for her “Ugh! My Tummy Hurts Again” magazine design.

The awards included students from the College of Journalism and Mass Communications and the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, with majors in advertising and public relations, emerging media arts, graphic design and journalism. The winners are as follows:
Emily Bray (Designer), senior, advertising and public relations and graphic design, Product or Service Sales Promotion: Packaging, “Cerveza de Chicas”
Nina Campbell, sophomore, graphic design, Sales & Marketing: Packaging, “Studio Ghibli Happy Meal” Out Of Home & Ambient Media: Poster, “Magic Girl Poster”
Rachel Dempsey, Dec. 2022 graduate, advertising and public relations and graphic design, Sales & Marketing: Magazine Design, “UGH! MY TUMMY HURTS AGAIN ZINE”
Anna Dimig, senior, advertising and public relations and graphic design, Elements of Advertising: Illustration, “P.S. I Love You Postcards” Out of Home & Ambient Media: Single Occurrence or Installation, “P.S. I Love You”
Brooke Dlouhy (Copywriter), junior, advertising and public relations and journalism, Product or Service Sales Promotion: Packaging, “Cerveza de Chicas”
Caitlyn Gish, junior, advertising and public relations, Elements of Advertising: Copywriting, “Vans: Sorry it Took so Long”
Mia Hartley, senior, advertising and public relations, Art Direction: Campaign, “Yoi Jikan Craft Cider”
Madeleine May, Dec. 2022 graduate, graphic design, Sales & Marketing: Packaging, “Careers Board Game”
UNL’s 2022 National Student Advertising Competition Team, Integrated Advertising Campaign: Consumer Campaign, “Why Not Now Quest Is Ready”
UNL’s 2022 National Student Advertising Competition Team, Elements of Advertising: Animation or Special Effects, “Why Not Now Quest Is Ready Concert”