August 28, 2020

Dashboard reports campus COVID-19 cases, trends

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The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has launched a dashboard that reports data related to COVID-19 cases among the campus community.

In the first report to campus, which was released on Aug. 27, the university has had 107 positive cases recorded from among 889 tests (since Aug. 12). The dashboard includes tests completed at the university’s TestNebraska facility and University Health Center, as well as those completed elsewhere.

All data is provided by the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department. The dashboard is designed to be updated daily. Cases will be reported in Nebraska Today on a weekly basis.

“I know many of you had hoped we would have had this information to share sooner. So did we,” Chancellor Ronnie Green said in a campuswide email about the dashboard. “We want to ensure the information we provide is an accurate reflection of the situation on our campus. We are confident that we are now able to receive that information accurately and consistently on a daily basis.”

The university is asking all members of the campus community to use the 1-Check COVID screening app to monitor symptoms. Individuals who feel ill or suspect exposure should stay home and consult with a primary health care professional or the University Health Center.

Free testing available from the university’s TestNebraska site, which is open weekday afternoons. The University Health Center and other Lincoln-area medical facilities offer testing by appointment. The health center testing is also open Saturday mornings.

“While I wish we had no cases on our campus, I know that is not realistic,” Green said. “It wil take all of us being diligent each and every day. If we can work together toward that incredibly important goal, we can preserve our ability to learn on campus and safely engage one another on our campus.”

Learn more about the university’s COVID-19 response, including public health protection measures which are in place.