November 27, 2018

Family dynamics go under the microscope in Faculty 101

by University Communication and Marketing

Video: Faculty 101 preview

University Communication is putting a new twist on how Nebraska Today delivers stories about our state’s flagship university and the students, faculty and staff who flourish here.

We’ve thrown our microphones into the ring with Faculty 101, a podcast series that delivers regular insights — some serious, others silly — into the work and lives of Husker faculty.

It’s the holidays, which means food and family – and the awkward conversations that sometimes happen at the dinner table. How can families of all types make the most of their time together and avoid the squabbles?

Dawn O. Braithwaite, Willa Cather Professor and chair of Communication Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, discusses how to make family communication more positive with host Mary Jane Bruce on the latest Faculty 101 podcast.

Listen: Faculty 101 with Dawn O. Braithwaite

Braithwaite dives into her own family history as a child of a widower, which has shaped her research career. This research has explored step-family dynamics and discovered how those relationships are shaped by communication, both positive and negative.

Then, Braithwaite also shares her insights into the communication among voluntary or fictive kin – the family you choose.

Finally, Braithwaite discusses the importance of the mentorship she experienced and paying it forward to her own students, as well as her colleagues.

Faculty 101 episodes will be featured here on Nebraska Today, but you can also subscribe via iTunes and Stitcher. Additional podcast delivery systems will be announced as they come online.

As always, we welcome your feedback. If you like the podcast, please subscribe and share it via a favorite social media channel. You can also offer us feedback and story ideas by sending email to or calling 402-472-8515.