The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor is accepting applications for fellows in the area of faculty affairs. Interested full-time faculty can email applications to executivevcoffice@unl.edu. The deadline to apply is Oct. 1.
Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Fellows
The executive vice chancellor’s office is seeking seven fellows to create training and materials to assist colleges and academic units with recruitment, hiring and retention of diverse faculty. Faculty diversity and inclusion fellows for 2018-19 will attend approximately 12 work sessions from October through April, where they will research and develop a web-based diversity search brochure and create a faculty search training workshop. Faculty diversity and inclusion fellows will be charged with keeping these materials up to date with the latest research and information available and for conducting training for faculty and academic leaders.
Diversity and inclusion fellows will receive $2,000 upon completion of the brochure and training module (expected April 2019). Fellows who continue on for the 2019-20 academic year will receive an additional $2,000 upon delivering at least six training sessions during the 2019-20 academic year. Compensation can be in the form of a one-time payment or a professional development allowance.
To apply, submit a statement of interest (maximum two pages) that includes a description of your contribution to diversity and inclusion on campus and in other contexts; curriculum vitae; and a brief letter of endorsement from the department chair.
Faculty Development Fellows
The EVC Office is also seeking three fellows to receive training and help deliver workshops on various topics, building on the free speech and academic freedom session that has been delivered across campus this year. Additional workshop topics include: safe and civil discourse in learning spaces, effective use of social media and preventing workplace bullying.
For each topic, fellows receive a PowerPoint presentation and written materials to use. Workshops may be given either as part of a departmental meeting in collaboration with the department chair or as a stand-alone workshop open to faculty from across campus.
Faculty development fellows will receive $2,000 upon the completion of at least six workshops. Compensation can be in the form of a one-time payment or a professional development allowance.
To apply, submit a one-page letter of interest; curriculum vitae; and a brief letter of endorsement from the department chair.