A snowy view of the heart of the University of Nebraska campus in 1924, including Architecture Hall (left, then serving as the library). Also pictured to the right of Architecture Hall is Brace Hall and the original Administration Building.
The image below is from the same day and shows the Spanish-American War cannon that was on the south side of Architecture Hall. The cannon was dedicated during a May Day parade and celebration in 1900. During World War II, the cannon was donated as scrap metal during the university’s first salvage drive. The photo also offers a glimpse at University Hall (immediately above the Architecture Hall steps), which was the first building on campus, and Grant Memorial Hall (right).

“From the Archives” is a weekly feature in Nebraska Today. Images are provided by Traci Robison, outreach archivist and assistant professor of practice with Archives and Special Collections in the University Libraries. Explore the Archives and Special Collections online. For more information, contact Troy Fedderson at tfedderson2@unl.edu or 402-472-8515.