Nick Cimino, a professional genealogist and blogger, will present “CIAO: Connecting Italian Ancestors Online,” with an overview of how to find Italian ancestry, at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 16 as part of the University Libraries' Genealogy over Lunch program. Cimino hosts a weekly Zoom meeting, Genealogy-Omaha, Carlentini and Beyond, which focuses on the genealogy of the Italians of Omaha, Sioux City, Iowa, and Lentini and Carlentini in Sicily.
Register for the presentation, which will take place on Zoom. Once registered, a Zoom link will be sent in the confirmation. A reminder will be sent on the morning of the presentation.
Genealogy over Lunch is a University Libraries’ group designed to help individuals explore and organize family history. All students, faculty, emeriti and staff are welcome. Other sessions planned during the spring semester including a panel of experts taking questions and a Y-DNA mystery case study.