December 21, 2020

Giving to Combined Campaign extended through Jan. 15

One of 11 campus units will be awarded the Chancellor's Cup for having the greatest percentage of faculty/staff participation in the United Way Combined Campaign. The award is new and will be kept by the winning division until next year.
Troy Fedderson | University Communication

Troy Fedderson | University Communication

There is still time to affect positive change in the Lincoln and Lancaster County community by giving to the 2021 Combined Campaign.

The deadline to participate has been extended from Dec. 18 to Jan. 15.

Chancellor Ronnie Green and his wife, Jane, are chairing this year’s campaign.

“We’ve been very pleased by the generosity shown by our campus community, and want to ensure that any employee who wants to participate has the opportunity to do so,” Green said.

Employees can donate electronically through the university’s 2021 Combined Campaign website, or print a pledge form and return it via mail service. For more information, send email to