University of Nebraska President Jeffrey P. Gold has announced two new initiatives aimed at harnessing artificial intelligence.
The first initiative is a new, systemwide AI task force that will work to increase collaboration and identify areas of shared strength between all University of Nebraska campuses. Members of the task force are:
University of Nebraska-Lincoln:
- Mohammad Rashedul Hasan, assistant professor, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Scout Calvert, chair, Research Partnerships, University Libraries
- Sydney Brown, assistant director, Center for Transformative Teaching
- Santosh Pitla, professor, Biological Systems Engineering
University of Nebraska at Kearney:
- Megan Adkins, associate dean for engagement and retention
- David Arredondo, collection services librarian
- Timothy Bartling, director of academic technology
University of Nebraska at Omaha:
- Cassie Mallette, program manager, AI Learning Lab, senior instructional designer
- Robin Gandhi, associate dean for research, College of Information Science and Technology
University of Nebraska Medical Center:
- Emily Glenn, dean, Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library
- Dr. Howard Fox, professor, Department of Neurological Sciences
- Dr. Chad Vokoun, division chief for hospital medicine, Department of Internal Medicine
University of Nebraska system:
- David Jackson, chair, interim executive vice president and provost
- Bret Blackman, vice president for information technology and chief information officer
- Laura Gonnerman (observer), associate general counsel
"As AI rapidly transforms our world, it is crucial that the University of Nebraska positions itself as a leader in this new era," Gold said.
The second initiative is a system-wide AI inventory survey designed by task force members. The survey will help the understanding of current AI-related efforts, challenges and opportunities for the future.
Take the inventory survey online.