Hub New Music will cap off a one-day residency at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music with a 7:30 p.m. concert in Kimball Recital Hall Sept. 11. The performance is free and open to the public.
According to Oregon Arts Watch, Hub New Music is “one of the most talked about younger contemporary classical ensembles.” With its unique instrumentation of flute, clarinet, violin and cello, the ensemble has been praised for performances of adventurous repertoire that are “gobsmacking and perfectly played,” according to Cleveland Classical, with the Boston Globe encouraging audiences, “next time the group offers a concert, go, listen, and be changed.”
The group will meet with students at the Glenn Korff School of Music for workshops in both the morning and the afternoon prior to the evening performance. Greg Simon, assistant professor of composition, is hosting Hub New Music.
Hub New Music is a group of passionate educators whose approach to teaching melds the artistic and entrepreneurial facets of modern musicianship. Working with student performers and composers at residencies across the country, Hub empowers younger generations of musicians through workshops on building an arts organization, commissioning new work, and developing meaningful collaborations.