November 11, 2019

Husker forges path as cheerleader, musician, future Marine

Ramarro Lamar
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication
Ramarro Lamar, a senior political science major at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, stays busy recording music, cheering for the Huskers and leading other students in Naval ROTC.

Ask Ramarro Lamar about the key to his success at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, and he’ll tell you about the importance of time management.

Over the past four years, the senior political science major from Chicago has balanced roles as a Naval ROTC midshipman, member of the Nebraska cheer squad and recording artist — all while being a full-time student.

“A lot of people ask me the question, ‘Man, you’re always busy. What don’t you do?’ My response generally is, ‘I don’t waste my time’ — so just having a high situational awareness of what you’re spending your time on, what you’re investing in and noticing what hat you’re changing into,” Lamar said.

Video: Ramarro Lamar describes his experiences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln

At the core of Lamar’s passions is his military service. Having always loved leading and motivating others, he was inspired to join the Marine Corps by the organization’s elite atmosphere and service-oriented mission.

“There’s not too many other occupations you can be in where the person to the left and right of you care more about you than they care for themselves,” Lamar said. “The amount of passion that individuals in the Marine Corps, and the military in general, have is so inspiring and so compelling. It’s like, how can one person be such a servant leader, so unselfish and put other people in front of themselves? I wanted to be a part of that.”

Lamar serves as the unit’s battalion executive officer, coming second-in-charge behind Nebraska’s NROTC commanding officer. His weeks are packed with 5 a.m. physical training sessions three times a week, as well as drills and community service.

On top of an already-busy schedule, Lamar joined Nebraska’s spirit squad this fall as one of the university’s first male cheerleaders in more than a decade. It’s a role that he approaches with an equal amount of discipline and commitment.

Ramarro Lamar ROTC
Craig Chandler | University Communication
Lamar serves as a Naval ROTC midshipman and battalion executive officer at Nebraska.

“Being able to reincorporate stunting back into game day is something that we want to really have an impact on, so a lot of hours go into it, whether it’s lifting, training or going over our repetitions constantly,” Lamar said.

Helping bring back an old Husker tradition has been a memorable way to round out his last year at Nebraska.

“When I walk out into Memorial Stadium, it’s breathtaking. The intensity of sound that exists when you’re on the playing field is absolutely unbelievable,” Lamar said. “The fans are just unlike any other.

“I’ve seen nothing like Memorial Stadium.”

In his free time, Lamar is a recording artist and musician. His song “Tight Rope” is being played on local radio in Lincoln, a success that he described as a welcome shock.

“It’s been doing pretty well, so it’s been an amazing experience. It’s kind of one of those things where you do something, and you don’t know where it’s going to go, and then it just surprises you all of a sudden,” he said.

Ramarro Lamar — Cheer Squad
Craig Chandler | University Communication
The Husker Spirit Squad welcomed back male cheerleaders this fall for the first time in over a decade.

Lamar writes his own songs, taught himself to play guitar and has never taken a music lesson.

“Pretty much all my aunts sing, so I kind of grew up as a little toddler singing with them. And growing up in Chicago, my mother didn’t let me go outside and play too much. We lived in kind of a rougher area,” Lamar said. “I ended up teaching myself guitar and built off of that. Now, I pretty much play a hip-hop, R&B-pop style of music.”

After graduating next spring, Lamar will move to Quantico, Virginia, to attend basic school for the Marine Corps. His next bucket-list item is to join the JAG Corps as a military lawyer.

No matter where he ends up, his time as a Husker has left its mark.

“It’s definitely bittersweet. I’m looking forward to moving on with my career in the Marine Corps, but at the same time, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has just grown on me so much,” Lamar said.

“The relationships I’ve been able to establish, the memories I’ve created here, the networking opportunities that exist and the phenomenal education I’ve been able to get — it’s something that’s going to be hard to say goodbye to. But I’m confident that my future is going to have things that are bigger and better.”

Ramarro Lamar cheer squad
Craig Chandler | University Communication
Upon graduation, Lamar will move to Quantico, Virginia, for Marine Corps basic school.

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senior political science major