The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s race for the Chancellor’s Cup crossed the finish line with glory for the College of Nursing — and a possible shave for Chancellor Ronnie Green.
At a Dec. 12 celebration at Nebraska Innovation Campus for volunteers who led the university’s participation in the 2019 Lincoln-area Combined Campaign for Health and Human Services, it was announced that faculty and staff have donated nearly $340,000 to the community fundraiser. That total was buoyed by an overall faculty and staff participation rate of 37.7 percent.
Both figures mark a significant increase over a decline in giving and participation in the 2018 Combined Campaign.
During the campaign launch in November, Green pledged to shave his head if faculty and staff giving surpassed $350,000. That total is expected to be reached as the university extended the deadline for employee participation in the campaign through December. Details on the final dollar total and possible shave for the chancellor will be announced in January.
“While I am thrilled by the increase in giving and participation, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will — most likely — be getting a shave in the new year,” Green said.
To encourage participation by faculty and staff, weekly individual prizes were awarded and the Chancellor’s Cup was presented to the campus division that earned the greatest percentage of employee participation. Percentages include faculty and staff who submit pledge forms — even those who opt not to donate.
The College of Nursing surged to Chancellor’s Cup victor, finishing with a participation rate of 87.9 percent. That final total was a 75.7 percentage point increase from the 12.1 percent participation rate the college recorded in the second to last week of the friendly competition.
Other units that finished in the top five of overall participation include:
- Alumni Association/Chancellor’s Office, 69.6 percent;
- College of Law, 68.2 percent;
- Business and Finance, 65.9 percent; and
- Information Technology Services, 58.1 percent.

The university also honored the College of Arts and Sciences for organizing the most unique promotion to muster participation in the Combined Campaign. The college earned the Overall Creative Champion honor for organizing surprise “Pop Up” popcorn parties for the three units with the highest participation each week of the campaign. The popcorn parties were hosted by Elizabeth Thiess-Morse, interim dean of the college.
All faculty and staff who participated by completing United Way campaign forms — including those who opted not to donate — were entered into weekly drawings. Four winners were selected each week of the campaign.
Individual prize winners, selected randomly from all faculty and staff who submitted pledge forms, and their awards for the final week of the campaign are:
Ramona Schoenrock, lecturer in teaching, learning and teacher education, two season passes to the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center;
Richard Moberly, dean and professor of law, “Atlas of Nebraska” coffee table book;
Gordon Scholz, program director of community and regional planning, two tickets to a Husker men’s basketball game; and
David Hansen, professor of psychology, two tickets to a Husker men’s basketball game.
Nebraska’s participation in the 2019 Combined Campaign was led by Chancellor Green; his wife, Jane; and Charlie Foster, assistant vice chancellor for student affairs.
Learn more about the Combined Campaign.