A recent study by UNL associate professor of broadcasting Barney McCoy shows the typical college student plays with his or her digital device an average of 11 times a day while in class. The study was published online earlier this month in the Journal of Media Education.
Media coverage included local media outlets, including the Omaha World-Herald, the Lincoln Journal Star and the the Daily Nebraskan, which also offered statistics found in the study and thoughts from UNL students.
The story also enjoyed consistent national coverage. It was featured in Yahoo! News, The Atlantic, and CBS Washington, D.C. The story ran in dozens of media outlets via United Press International and McCoy interviewed with CBS’s Charles Osgood for a segment on The Osgood File.
The story has appeared in global outlets, as well, including The Sunday Daily Mail (UK) and included statistics from a 2012 study by Experian Marketing Services; and The Indian Express, among others.