Scott Herring, James H. Ruddy Professor of English and Affiliate Professor of Gender Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, will be the inaugural Willa Cather Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Herring will deliver a public talk, “Aging Moderns: A Reintroduction,” at 7 p.m., May 12, via Zoom
Herring also will be teaching a one-credit graduate seminar on the topic of “American Modernist Studies, New and Old,” May 10-14. This new initiative by the Cather Project, a unit in the Department of English, is designed to promote research on Willa Cather by scholars working in a variety of areas in literary studies and to give students in graduate programs the opportunity to study under scholars from other universities.
Herring is the author of three books, “Queering the Underworld: Slumming, Literature and the Undoing of Lesbian and Gay History,” “Another Country: Queer Anti-Urbanism,” and “The Hoarders: Material Deviance in Modern American Culture.” His book in progress on aging and modernism was supported by a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship. He will be joining the faculty of Yale University in August 2021.
Questions can be forwarded to Melissa Homestead, director of the Cather Project, via email.