A new survey seeks to set a baseline understanding regarding campus perceptions of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s environmental and sustainability goals.
Launched by the Chancellor’s Environment, Resilience and Sustainability Commission, the survey is open to students, faculty and staff through April 8. It takes about 15 minutes to complete and is focused on the aspirational goals and objectives outlined in the 2020 Environment, Resilience and Sustainability Master Plan.
“We plan to use the results of this survey to set a baseline that will allow our team to track progress in the future,” said Dave Gosselin, director of the university’s sustainability initiative and the environmental studies program in the School of Natural Resources. “It will also be used to focus our communications and messaging to the campus community.”
The survey is being conducted by the university’s Bureau of Sociological Research on behalf of the Chancellor’s Office. Participation is voluntary and all individual responses will be kept confidential.
The university’s Environmental, Sustainability and Resilience Master Plan is available for review online. It was created by the commission, which includes representation from students, faculty and staff. The plan includes 10 goals, each offering incremental steps and aspirational outcomes to guide decisions. All outcomes are linked to aims in the university’s N2025 Strategic Plan.
For more information about the survey, send email to bosr@unl.edu or call 402-472-3672.