The Staff Leadership Academy is a professional development program for staff who are pursuing careers in university administration. The academy begins its second year with new sponsorship from the Chancellor's Office and continued support from the Executive Vice Chancellor's Office.
Participants are required to commit to leadership training one day a month for five months plus graduation. Topics covered include leading teams, communication, conflict resolution, and creating inclusive workplaces. Those selected also have the opportunity to explore their CliftonStrengths and work with a coach to learn how to use them to enhance their leadership skills.
"This is an amazing professional development opportunity for our exceptional staff at the university," said Karen Kassebaum, director of staff diversity and inclusion. "Not only will they develop a better understanding of their individual strengths, they'll also be building a valuable campus network of fellow leaders that will serve them well in their future endeavors at Nebraska."
Presently, each cohort is nominated by vice chancellors and deans. In the future, the academy will place a campus-wide open call for applications.
Participants in the 2019-2020 cohort are:
- Lalit Agarwal, director of utility and energy management, Facilities Management and Planning, Utility Services
- Brian Bollich, associate director for business operations, Nebraska Unions
- Joe Brownell, director, Military and Veteran Success Center
- Justina Clark, director of undergraduate research, Undergraduate Education and Student Success
- Jason Cooper, communications and media coordinator, IANR Media
- Dodie Eveleth, business manager, Department of Chemistry
- Troy Fedderson, director of internal communication, Office of University Communication
- Ryan Fette, education and outreach coordinator, Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance
- Regina Flowers, learning commons and event coordinator, University Libraries
- Nicole Frerichs, assistant dean, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
- Andrea Gaghagen, assistant director of advising, College of Journalism and Mass Communications
- Lauren Gayer, director of marketing, Student Affairs
- Emily Griffin Overocker, senior director for student services, College of Engineering
- Jami Hagedorn, assistant athletics director for business operations, Athletics
- Jodi Holt, director of recruitment, College of Arts and Sciences
- Cheryl Horst, associate director, NUtech Ventures
- Katie Jewell, associate director of academic programs, Athletics
- Craig Kreikemeier-Bower, assistant director and clinical veterinarian, Research Responsibility and Institutional Animal Care Program
- Julie Kundhi, director of communications, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
- Amy Lanham, senior associate director, Campus Recreation
- Megan McMasters, director of operations, Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts
- Jen Mostek, interim director of business advising and student engagement, College of Business
- Gayle Page, director of benefits and risk management, Human Resources
- Marc Pearce, assistant dean for student affairs and administration, College of Law
- CortneyJo Sandidge, director, Husker Hub
- Sara Skretta, certification officer, College of Education and Human Sciences
- Andrew Swenson, director of enrollment marketing, Academic Services and Enrollment Management
- Kerry Vondrak, communications coordinator, College of Architecture
- Hilary Winter, director of digital strategy, Alumni Association
- Cindy Zluticky, associate director, Metro District