The University Libraries will explore the workings and benefits of Open Access through a program of workshops and drop-in sessions as part of International Open Access Week, which is Oct. 24-30.
The 2022 theme is Open for Climate Justice, which is intended to encourage a connection among the climate science and Open Access communities.
Charlene Maxey-Harris, associate dean for collections and resource management, said it is important for instructors and students to participate to learn about Open Access, and see all the amazing ways the University Libraries support Open Access publishing.
“For example, a number of the Libraries’ journal subscription agreements allow our Nebraska researchers to publish their research Open Access with specific publishers at no additional cost to themselves or to the University,” saud Maxey-Harris. “Also, UNL faculty can submit their published articles to our Digital Commons repository to be made openly accessible, where possible, and can publish Open Access books under the Libraries’ Zea Books imprint.”
Libraries faculty in collaboration with others will be sharing their expertise and knowledge in the following session topics:
• “Follow Your Papers Around the World”: Using the Digital Commons Dashboard with Paul Royster, noon, Oct. 24 on Zoom
• Publishing Open Textbooks and Open Educational Resources with Pressbooks with Melissa Gomis and Brad Severa, noon, Oct. 25, Love Library South, Room 221 and Zoom
• Open Pedagogy and Renewable Assignments: Tips, Tools, and Ideas for Engaging Students as Content Creators with Julia Remsik Larsen and Catherine Fraser Riehle, 1 p.m. Oct. 26, on Zoom
• Zea Books: Publication Imprint of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries with Paul Royster and Judy Diamond, noon, Oct. 28 in Love Library South, Room 221.
• Preparing Your Data for Openness with Scout Calvert, noon, Oct. 31 on Zoom
There will also be three online drop-in sessions in which you can bring your questions about open access, open science, and open publishing. Registration is not required, Zoom links are available in the event calendar entry.
• Open Access with David Macaulay and Casey Hoeve, 3 p.m., Oct. 25.
• Open Science with Kiyomi Deards, 11 a.m., Oct. 26.
• Open Publishing with David Macaulay and Sue Gardner, Oct. 27 at 11 a.m.
“Open Access is vitally important to increasing the research impact of Nebraska faculty and students,” said Maxey-Harris.
For more information and to register for Zoom sessions, visit the University Libraries Open Access Week page.