The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Business Administration will host the 13th annual Women in Business Conference from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 19 at the Country Club of Lincoln, 3200 S. 24th St. The conference draws hundreds of emerging leaders.
The schedule includes:
“Women in the Workplace: More Engaged and Better Managers” with Mark Pogue, executive director of the Clifton Strengths Institute and assistant professor of practice in management: A recent survey shows how women perceive the workplace and how it impacts their level of engagement. Attendees will find out how to use their strengths at work and learns some possible solutions to issues that can strengthen their engagement.
“Influence with Intention” with Laura McLeod, assistant professor of practice in marketing: Every day employees are called upon to persuade, influence or convince others. In fact, people spend about 40 percent of their work time selling their perspectives or recommendations to others. In this session, participants will learn how to better understand their audience and more effectively sell their ideas and themselves.
“Telling Your Story” with Jody Koenig Kellas, professor of communication studies: Stories and storytelling are central to understanding one’s personal, professional and relational lives. Research shows the ways in which people story their lives relates significantly to their well-being and happiness. “Telling Your Story” introduces concepts and practices to highlight the importance of storytelling and improve interpersonal communication.
The cost to attend the conference is $65. To register, click here.