University Archives
University Archives
Carrie Belle Raymond (standing, at right) directs the university chorus in April 1922 in what is today the Architecture Hall library reading room. Raymond was hired in 1894 to direct the university chorus and orchestra. She also taught music until her death in 1927. The first women's dormitory, Raymond Hall, was named for her in 1931. This image is included in Kay Logan-Peters' new book, "University of Nebraska–Lincoln."
Kay Logan-Peters, architecture librarian, will be signing her new book, “The University of Nebraska–Lincoln,” from 2 to 4 p.m. Nov. 1 in the Adele Hall Learning Commons in Love Library North.

The book features a chronological series of photographs with captions, telling the story of the university from its founding in 1869 to present day. Key topics include pioneering women, growth in the early 1900s, student life and the transition to becoming a major research university.
Copies of the book are available through Arcadia Publishing online at local bookstores, including the University Bookstore. The books will also be available for purchase at the signing.