Based on diaries, notebooks and the intimate reflections of her lovers, “Loving Highsmith” takes a unique look at the life of celebrated American author Patricia Highsmith, which opens at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center Oct. 7.
Continuing is “Dos Estaciones.”
“Loving Highsmith” focuses on Highsmith’s quest for love and her troubled identity, the film sheds new light on her life and writing. Most of Highsmith’s novels were adapted for the big screen; the best known of these are Strangers on a Train and The Talented Mr. Ripley. Carol, a partly autobiographic novel, was the first lesbian story with a happy ending to be published in 1950s America. But Highsmith herself was forced to lead a double life and had to hide her vibrant love affairs from her family and the public. Only in her unpublished writings did she reflect on her private life. Excerpts from these notes voiced by Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones, Top of the Lake), beautifully interwoven with archive material of her and her most famous novel adaptions, create a vivid, touching portrait of one of the most fascinating female writers.
“Loving Highsmith,” is not rated and is showing through Oct. 20.
“Dos Estaciones” follows fifty-year-old businesswoman María García (Teresa Sánchez), the owner of Dos Estaciones, a once-majestic tequila factory now struggling to stay afloat. The factory is the final hold-over from generations of Mexican-owned tequila plants in the highlands of Jalisco, the rest having folded to foreign corporations. Once one of the wealthiest people in town, María knows her current financial situation is untenable. When a persistent plague and an unexpected flood cause irreversible damage, she is forced to do everything she can to save her community’s primary economy and source of pride.
“Dos Estaciones” is not rated and will be showing through Oct. 13.
Learn more about the films, including show times and ticket availability.