Maria B. Marron, the second of five finalists for the position of dean of the UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications, will visit campus Dec. 5-6. Her public presentation and reception will be 2 p.m. Dec. 6 at the Steinhart Room at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.
Administrators, faculty, students and staff are encouraged to attend the presentation and provide their thoughts at the following link: go.unl.edu/jmcdean_mariamarron.
Marron is chair and professor of the Department of Journalism at Central Michigan University. Marron has led two departmental reaccreditations; strengthened local, statewide and national media connections; fostered partnerships with local companies, alumni and academic organizations in support of her unit; raised funds for program initiatives; pioneered a program of Visiting Professionals and international exchange partnerships; and worked with the unit’s curricular and faculty committees to propose a new master’s program in integrated marketing communications, launch new majors, a new certificate program and revise curriculum. Her teaching areas are in journalism, media law and ethics. Her research spans journalism pedagogy, investigative journalism, health and aging issues in the media. She holds a B.A. and postrgraduate diploma from University College Dublin, an M.A. in journalism from The Ohio State University and a Ph.D. in journalism and mass communications from Ohio University.
On Nov. 25, the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs announced five finalists for the position. In addition to Marron, they are David A. Craig, Roger M. Lavery, Derina R. Holtzhausen and Peter Bhatia. Learn more about the candidates and the search here.