The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Maxwell Arboretum TREE-mendous Celebration is 4:30 to 6 p.m. May 16.
The annual event will be held within Maxwell Arboretum on East Campus near Perin Porch. Events include children’s activities, crafts, a tree planting, sawmill demonstration, and recognition of the university’s 150-year legacy of improving the quality of life for Nebraska and beyond.
Historic landscape images will be displayed and two books focusing on the history of the university will be available for signing by the authors: “Dear Old Nebraska U: Celebrating 150 Years,” co-authored by Kim Hachiya; and “University of Nebraska–Lincoln” by Kay Logan-Peters, professor of libraries.
Free ice cream from the Dairy Store and popcorn from the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture will be provided. There will also be opportunities to talk with tree and insect experts and other plant specialists.
The event will feature booths and displays including from the Friends of Maxwell Arboretum, UNL Gardens, Audubon Spring Creek Prairie, Garden Friends, Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, Nebraska Forest Service, the regional and community forestry program, Capital City Carvers, International Quilt Study Center and Museum, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, and university recycling and sustainability programs.
No formal program is planned. Attendees are welcome to come at any point during the event. Parking is available north of Hardin Hall, near 33rd and Holdrege streets. Event sponsors include the Friends of Maxwell Arboretum, UNL Garden Friends, and Landscape Services.