The Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women is launching a survey for faculty and staff regarding mental health and wellness. A link to the survey will be included in an email sent to employees on Nov. 17.
The purpose of the survey is to assess and understand the current status of mental health and wellness of employees, and to understand how their mental health and well-being has changed since the start of the pandemic. The data collected will inform the development and enhancement of initiatives focused on addressing these needs.
The commission will also be able to ascertain differences among different groups, which may or may not need more specific resources. The commission is committed to sharing survey results with the campus community.
“I’m grateful for the leadership of the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women in conducting this survey of our campus community,” Chancellor Ronnie Green said. “It’s another way to demonstrate that every person and every interaction matter. The issues surrounding mental health and wellness of our faculty and staff are of great importance and I look forward to using what we learn to continue to enhance opportunities for our community.”
Topics covered include general wellness, work performance, work culture, work-life balance, safety and violence, and emotional and mental well-being.
The Commission on the Status of Women received support from the Chancellor’s Commissions on the Status of People of Color and Gender and Sexual Identity, and the Methodology and Evaluation Research Core Facility in developing the survey. Details about the diversity commissions are available here.
Some of these survey topics are similar to the recent climate survey that was sponsored by Central Administration, but the new survey takes a different and deeper approach.
Questions may be forwarded to ccsw@unl.edu.