October 19, 2016

Nebraska State of Beef Conference is Nov. 2-3 in North Platte

The 2016 Nebraska State of Beef Conference is Nov. 2 and 3 at the North Platte Sandhills Convention Center.

The 2016 Nebraska State of Beef Conference is Nov. 2 and 3 at the North Platte Sandhills Convention Center, 2102 S. Jeffers St.

Experts from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the cattle industry will speak on making good use of the resources that have moved the state to the forefront of the national industry, as well as technology that shows promise. The theme is “Innovation in the Cowherd and Beyond.”

“This year’s theme is important because as cattle prices have dropped, utilizing the technology available to optimize efficiency and profitability is even more crucial,” said Karla Jenkins, cow-calf/range management specialist at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center in Scottsbluff and one of the conference planners. “Producers are always looking for ways to improve utilization of their resources, knowing they have to sustain those resources for future generations as well.”

The conference is held every other year, on alternating years with a regional beef conference, the Range Beef Cow Symposium, which rotates between Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado.

The registration fee of $65 includes a paper or electronic copy of the proceedings. There is an additional fee for the Nov. 2 dinner. Walk-in registrations are welcome, but the dinner can’t be guaranteed for walk-ins or registrations received after Oct. 19.

Online registration is preferred. To view a full conference agenda and to register, click here.

For mail-in registration, contact Deidra McCarthy at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center at 308-632-1260 or dmccarthy2@unl.edu. A registration form is also available here.

The conference is organized by Nebraska’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. For more information, contact Jenkins at 308-632-1245, kjenkins2@unl.edu; or Rick Funston, reproductive physiologist at the West Central Research and Extension Center, at 308-696-6703, rfunston2@unl.edu.

News Release Contact(s)

Cow-Calf/Range Management Specialist, Nebraska Extension

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