Site preparation for the new University of Nebraska Health Center and University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing building on City Campus will shift parking in the lot south of the Beadle Center starting Nov. 10.
Most of the lot, which is for commuter student Area C and faculty/staff Area A permit holders, will close at 10 p.m. Nov. 9. Project planners expect to make available two rows of parking on the north end of the lot to Area A permit holders until Dec. 16. The entire lot will be inaccessible after Dec. 16.
Other nearby Area A parking options are located at 21st and Vine streets; 18th and Vine streets (east of Sandoz Hall); and by the Boathouse near 16th and X streets. Area C permit holder options include 21st and Vine streets; 14th Street and Avery Avenue; and the Boathouse lot.
Parking spaces are also available in campus garages at an additional monthly rate. For more information on parking options, click here.
Construction of the new health center and nursing facility will begin this month, with it scheduled to open for campus use in fall 2018. More information about the project, including details on a groundbreaking ceremony, will be announced.