March 12, 2021

Now and then | Photo of the week

.Megan Eichhoff, a senior pre-veterinary medicine major, participates in an online class in the lobby of the Animal Science Complex on March 9. Nearly a year ago to the day, the space hosted a packed house CASNR Week event (shown on the right of this composite image).
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication
Megan Eichhoff (left), a senior pre-veterinary medicine major, participates in an online class in the lobby of the Animal Science Complex on March 9. Nearly a year ago to the day, the space hosted a packed house CASNR Week event (right).

Megan Eichhoff, a senior pre-veterinary medicine major, participates in an online class in the socially-distanced lobby of the Animal Science Complex on March 9.

Nearly one year ago to the day, hours before a global pandemic was declared, the same lobby (shown in the comparison below) was packed with students, sitting elbow to elbow, celebrating CASNR Week.

While the transformation on campus has been stark, in recent weeks cases of COVID-19 have started to decline, vaccine availability is on the rise and the university is starting to look ahead. Recent headlines have reflected the shift, as Dear Old Nebraska U is planning for May commencement exercises in Memorial Stadium and work has started on a return to "normal" campus instruction and activity in the fall.


Social media photos this week

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