February 9, 2015

'Plan for Your Success' program open to students

All UNL students are invited to participate in the event “Plan for Your Success” and become eligible to win a $100 University Bookstore gift certificate.

Students can create a personalized success plan by participating in the “Plan for Your Success” program coordinated by First-Year Experience and Transition Programs at UNL. The program enables students to meet with an academic success coach and create individualized success plans to meet their academic goals. After creating a plan and writing a self-reflection of the experience, students are eligible to win one of three $100 University Bookstore gift certificates.

Students must submit their self-reflection online at http://success.unl.edu/ by March 20 to be considered for the gift certificate. All students looking to participate in the program should either go to the website or go to FYETP located in Love Library South, Room 127.

“We want to help students learn how to utilize campus resources and make the most of their time at UNL,” said Heather Stalling, director of FYETP. “We encourage students to engage and explore techniques to help them reach their goals by creating a plan specific to their needs.”

In addition to “Plan for Your Success,” FYETP also offers academic success workshops to help students set and reach goals. FYETP also sponsors “Study Stop” locations across campus for students to group and individual study with available tutors. New “Study Stop” locations include the Cather/Pound/Neihardt dining center, Outdoor Adventure Center and the East Campus Union. A full list of locations and hours can be viewed at http://success.unl.edu/support/study-stop-schedule.

Learn more about “Plan for Your Success” and other academic success offered through First-Year Experience and Transition Programs at http://success.unl.edu/.