April 17, 2024

Planning committee requesting papers for upcoming Rawley Conference

Love Library is framed in the iconic curves of "Greenpoint," a campus sculpture by Richard Serra. The artist died at the age of 85 on March 26. Learn more about Serra at https://go.unl.edu/3oeh.
Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing

Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing

The History Graduate Student Association at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is inviting all graduate students to the 16th Annual James A. Rawley Graduate Conference in the Humanities, Oct. 3-4.

The two-day conference will be held on City Campus. The Rawley Graduate Conference strives to serve the larger academic community and looks forward to submissions from those in the humanities and other related fields, including but not limited to history, classical/modern languages, religious studies, English, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, environmental studies, ethnic studies, medieval/renaissance studies, women and gender studies, and digital humanities. While all proposals are invited, preference will be given to those which best address the 2024 theme of War and Society.

This conference is designed for participants to interpret the concept of War and Society broadly. Potential projects might explore the causes, experiences, impacts or legacies of war on societies. Alternatively, projects may explore the technical operations of warfare, the intersections between militaries and societies, analyze the migration and/or displacement of people and identities caused by conflict, or reflect on war in cultural artifacts. Submissions for this year’s conference may connect work to this theme through traditional academia, digital humanities work, alternative academic avenues, or other methodologies and perspectives. Please do not find these suggestions to be limiting — submissions are encouraged to push the concept of War and Society as it fits the applicant’s research.

The 16th Annual James A. Rawley Graduate Conference will also be offering a Digital Humanities Lightning Round. Presenters will be given five minutes to pitch their research before a panel of commentators from various specializations and receive feedback on their research. Interested participants should follow individual submission guidelines and specify in their email to the Rawley Planning Committee that they seek application to the lightning round. Seats are limited, but projects do not need to fit the conference theme.

All materials should be emailed to the 2024 Rawley Planning Committee at rawleyunl@gmail.com no later than May 20, with the subject line “Rawley 2024 Submission – [Last Name, First Name].” Additional information can be found on the conference website.