September 6, 2016

Post-WWII massacre is topic for Sept. 6 talk

Adolf Storms during World War II. A member of the Nazi SS, Storms was accused of assisting with a massacre of 60 Jews at the end of the war.
Courtesy photo

Courtesy photo
Adolf Storms during World War II. A member of the Nazi SS, Storms was accused of assisting with a massacre of 60 Jews at the end of the war.

Walter Manoschek, a professor of political science at the University of Vienna, Austria, will lead a discussion after a showing of the film “If That’s So, Then I’m a Murder,” from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 6 in Andrews Hall, Room 228.

The film features the story into the killing of 60 Hungarian Jews by three Nazi-party SS members on the Austrian-Hungarian border at the end of World War II. One of the alleged murders was Sergeant Adolf Storms. Manoschek interviewed Storms 63 years after the massacre, reconstructing the crime.

Manoschek will address the displacement of responsibility regarding the massacre.

The event is organized by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Harris Center for Judaic Studies, a shared program between the departments of history and English.

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