May 20, 2019

Primarily Math collects NSF award

Video: Primarily Math at Nebraska

Nebraska’s Primarily Math program — which is reconfiguring the way mathematics is taught and learned in schools statewide — recently earned a People’s Choice Award in a National Science Foundation video competition.

The winning video (available above) tells the story of how the Nebraska elementary teachers have accepted the challenge to return to graduate school to study and learn new ways of teaching math. It also showcases University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty and graduate students who are leading research to learn more about the potential of programs like Primarily Math to benefit the achievement of children from kindergarten to high school.

The video earned the award through a popular vote in the NSF’s “We Are Mathematics” competition. The contest showcased NSF-supported work in math and statistics education.

Principal investigators for the Nebraska Math grant from the university include Jim Lewis, Ruth Heaton, Tom McGowan, Carolyn Edwards, Walt Stroup and Ira Papick. Representing Lincoln Public Schools is Jadi Miller. The program is organized by the Nebraska Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Learn more about the Nebraska Math.