December 7, 2018

Registration open for master gardener program

Master Gardeners working in the Backyard Farmer Garden.

Master gardeners work in the Backyard Farmer Garden on Nebraska's East Campus.

Registration is now open for Nebraska Extension’s Master Gardener program, an opportunity for volunteers to learn more about horticulture in a hands-on environment.

Participants will receive training on topics such as plant science, botany, insects, weed and wildlife management, pesticide safety, soils, turfgrass and whole landscape system management. They will then work with the community to provide education on sustainable horticulture practices.

Volunteer tasks may involve answering phones at a county extension office, giving horticulture presentations to community organizations, assisting 4-H clubs with garden projects, judging horticulture exhibits at county and state fairs, participating in community garden projects, and writing a garden column for the local paper.

Participants are required to complete 40 hours of training and 40 hours of volunteer service during the initial year of their involvement in the program. Applicants should be at least 19 years of age with an interest in learning more about horticulture and landscape systems.

Learn more about the master gardener program online, or contact Terri James at 402-472-8973 or