April 16, 2021

Researchers want to connect with refugee students for study

Photo of campus from drone
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication

Researchers in the Counseling Psychology program within the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln are seeking refugee college students to participate in a research study.

Research Opportunity to Help Psychologists Understand Refugee Students' Academic and Career Development
Click to enlarge.

This Institutional Review Board-approved study will involve a 60-minute individual interview through Zoom where you will be asked a series of open-ended questions.

The purpose of this study is to examine how refugee college students construct meaning in their academic and work decisions. Participation may help psychologists and counselors develop insight to better serve refugee college students and address their unique needs.

Eligible participants must:

  • be enrolled in post-secondary education;
  • identify as a refugee;
  • be at least 19 years of age.

Participants will be compensated with a $20 gift card to Amazon.

For more information about the study or if you would like to participate, contact Neeta Kantamneni via email or via text at 402-787-1112.