April 3, 2024

Solar Social, spring game highlight month of April

5 Things to Do

April is a great month to find whatever excuse you can to get outside around campus!

From maximizing the beautiful spring weather to rediscovering a campus favorite — not to mention checking out a rare cosmic event — April has plenty to do and see for everyone.

Solar Social

Noon-2 p.m. | April 8 | City Campus Plaza and East Campus Loop

Come celebrate the first total solar eclipse in the United States since 2017 with music, ice cream for purchase, educational booths, yoga and more! The Solar Social is a fun way for Huskers to get outside on a beautiful spring day while watching a partial eclipse roll over campus.

Special glasses for safe viewing — as well as telescopes to take a closer look— will be available at both City and East campus locations. The eclipse will take place at 1:53 p.m.

Husker Football Spring Game

11 a.m. | April 27

One of our great spring traditions, the Husker Football Spring Game will take place this year on April 27. Whether you’re a dedicated football fan eager to watch the game or someone who just loves to take in the atmosphere, the annual scrimmage brings with it all the fan-favorite rituals, foods and celebratory cheer.

Take advantage of student support resources

With finals rapidly approaching, it’s easy for students to feel overwhelmed. Campus has numerous resources for academic and mental health support of all shapes and sizes, ranging from help with assignments and test prep to Counseling and Psychological Services and peer mentorship. Check out this Medium blog for a list of some popular resources.

Explore spring spots

Need some fresh air? April is the perfect month for it, and our campus is the perfect place to access a beautiful hideaway right outside the halls of your college. The Arboretum on east campus is a favorite, as is the garden around the Sheldon Art Museum. Visit this Medium Blog for more ideas.

Rediscover Morrill Hall

After 97 years, Morrill Hall was ready for an upgrade. The historic Nebraska State Museum is home to some of the most iconic sites around campus, housing scientific wonders, historic knowledge and fun activities that are sure to wow all ages. Recently reopened after its renovations, April is a great time to stop by and rediscover a Nebraska favorite.