June 19, 2020

Sophisticated serenity takes Husker Home Office honors for Young

Ashlee Young

Sophisticated serenity has earned Husker Home Office of the Week honors for Ashlee Young.

An assistant director in the William H. Thompson Scholars Learning Community, Young’s designated home office space has been meaningfully transformed into a fully functional room that is also shared by her husband, her son and two dogs.

“I firmly believe that when you decorate your space, it is important to curate a room that contains meaning,” Young said.

The Husker Home Office of the Week award was launched April 10 to showcase how faculty and staff have adjusted to working from home as part of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s response to COVID-19.

The award repeats weekly until employees return to campus. Details on how to enter are below.

Read on for Young’s takes on how working from home is progressing and a few tips for other faculty and staff to consider.

Why does this space work for you?

When we moved to Lincoln two years ago, I was adamant we needed to have an office. I am working toward finishing my Ph.D. in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication and knew I would need a space to think and write. I never would have thought this space would get as much use as it has these past few months! Starting in March, my husband Justin was also asked to work remotely, and each day, you can find us here. Originally, the couch had a beautiful hammered coffee table in front of it, but when we recognized we would be finishing out the academic year homeschooling our kindergartener Harrison, we created a work station for him, as well. We kept it after the academic year wrapped up, and during the day, you can usually find him coloring or writing at his table — or, most often, photo-bombing my Zoom calls.

This office works because it provides a light-filled, designated space to work. The office isn’t huge, and with two people sharing it (now three and two Shetland sheepdogs!), we wanted to maximize the footprint. Justin installed the shelving and desk system to the walls in order to clear up more space. The credenza holds our printer and office supplies, and serves as a place to keep our son’s workbooks. The couch is comfy and provides a spot for one of us to sit if we need to take a break. The walls were painted a deep pine green to create a feeling of sophisticated serenity, while the woven rug, cognac leather chairs and bamboo shelving brings warmth to the room. As you can see, our shelves hold books, art and photos that are important to us and have been collected over the years. Some of the pieces are indicative of professional or educational milestones, like our diplomas and graduate tassels, while other pieces remind us of friends, family and personal mantras. I firmly believe that when you decorate your space, it is important to curate a room that contains meaning.

We are constantly saying we are so grateful to have this space. Both my husband and I tend to be the types that benefit from the act of leaving the office. We function similarly in our current space, knowing that when 5:30 p.m. hits, we can leave behind our work, make dinner and focus on spending quality time with our son.

What is your favorite item in your home office space?

Ashlee Young

I love the credenza that sits in front of the window. The window looks out to the front of our house and gets a ton of light. I am a plant lady, and the credenza is the perfect place to grow succulents.

What do you miss most about your campus space?

I really miss our staff and scholars. The Thompson Scholars program is in many ways a family, and I miss the drop-ins from students and members of our team. There is also something just really special about being on a college campus. There is never a repeat day!

Do you have a tip you’ve developed while working from home?

During the first couple of weeks, I definitely took advantage of wearing comfy pants and sweatshirts each day. However, I have found that through the act of “getting ready” for my day, I am much more focused and productive. Now, I get fully dressed — for me, this is part of my process. In addition, I have found keeping a routine schedule has been helpful.

Is there any process/concept/idea that you’ve experienced working from home that you hope to integrate when we return to campus?

Since transitioning to working from home, I have integrated much more self-care into my routine. During lunch, I will often fit in a quick workout or go for a walk with my son. I was not doing this prior to COVID-19. It has been good to actually take some breaks and catch up if needed. I hope to continue prioritizing wellness when we transition back to campus.

To be considered for the honor, submit photos of your custom space via email to tfedderson@unl.edu along with answers to the the questions below. The award winner will be notified on each Thursday, with their space appearing in the Friday edition of Nebraska Today. For more information, send email to tfedderson@unl.edu.

Entries for the “Husker Home Office of the Week” must include your name, university position, home department, phone number (for contact, if necessary), years employed on campus, home address (to mail the award), and answers to at least three of these five questions:

- Why does this space work for you?

- What tips for a successful work-from-home day do you have for fellow employees?

- What is your favorite item in the home office space?

- What do you miss most about your campus space?

- Is there any process/concept/idea that you’ve experienced working from home that you hope to integrate when we return to campus?